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What's the weirdest thing you done in game? Me as Moira: chased a enemy trying to...


Jessica Voronin

What's the weirdest thing you done in game?
Me as Moira: chased a enemy trying to heal, turns around and we both look at each other... Ding!!!! Dies.

Tavish Badpun

Had an enemy genji behind me while I was trying to sneak to their side as sombra

I ended up with a Conga line 12 men strong walking off the edge of a cliff

Stevie Rey

On Eichenwalde for Total Mayhem the defending Genji was at one of the spawn room doors upstairs I was waiting at. Once the doors open, we just look at each other, emote, couple voice lines, and went our separate ways trying not to kill each other. It was funny. Another is Rein charging me off of the cliff in Route 66 and I voice D.Va's lol line and booster back to safe ground as he dies in the abyss

Sam Walker

Can't think, but I love doing Orisa's puppy emote and introducing everyone to Ferdinand (that's the name I gave him) in spawn.
Once I was defending Volskaya, somehow enemy Ana ended up crouched in the snow behind point A, alone. I was Reaper and we just teabgged each other for no reason and did emotes, then my teammates randomly took turns doing it and letting her live. She just kind of chilled there. She actually took a lot of our energy away from fighting so she was the MVP.
Custom games are a WHOLE other level x

Arina Grebneva

I love solo ulting Widowmaker in qp /as pharah

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