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PC What are tips and stuff needed for going into comp? I have 3 hours in almost half the...


Sam Kim

What are tips and stuff needed for going into comp? I have 3 hours in almost half the heroes and won't comp until I'm done. the way you talk makes it sound a lot different than qp

Andrew Servage

playing in qp wont teach you how to play on an organized balanced team comp. some of the best coaches like iostux tell you to get into comp ASAP. start learning in competitive so you know how to play it. i cant play checkers then take on a chess championship.

Brandon Neilshine

3 hours in each hero isn't going to do you much good. Comp teaches you how to play as a team, not how to play individual characters. Spend more time in QP getting to know each character and developing game sense before going into comp.

Sebastian Gunnman

I think you are ready to get into comp, having playtime on different hero's will do you good. So I'd say you can go and play some comp a mix of a positive mindset, having fun and the will to rank up usually serves you well. And by playing comp you will get a way better understanding of the game and develop as a player

Rock Underscore

pick up a hero youre comfterable with and good at in every role at least and try to be able to play 5 heroes.Just keep playing qp and see how good you can be,me personally i played qp till level 130 and as soon as i hoped into comp,i placed gold,90% win rate on genji,ana,mcree,soldier till diamond.You can train mechanics in 4v4,deathmatch,qp and with positioning,ult usage,decision making,just use logic

William Riot Harris

Watch videos about the characters you feel you excel at, Id say 3-5 less if you dont pick dps. Make sure the videos are current aka your not watching a video about S6 mercy vs S7

Id say there are characters that are much better but it really depends a lot of different variables. It can be very easy to play with a low lvl team with a better understanding of the game vs you being godly but solo que.

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