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Well I have one question and it's not about PC, but maybe someone can help me, I have...

  • Thread starter Aleksandar Oliveric
  • Start date

Aleksandar Oliveric

Well I have one question and it's not about PC, but maybe someone can help me, I have " World of Warcraft " account, it's 10 years old I have tons of achievements and a lot of really rare mounts bunch of characters different classes and races, on alliance and horde side, and after 10 years I get bored and I don't play it any more, question is can I sell my game progress, and if I can, where I can do it?


Ryan Bloch

Goes against the terms of service. There is actually a company or two that took those accounts on sold them for profit and then blizzard deactivated all the accounts and they had to refund all the money and go bankrupt

Ryan Bloch

Basic if you want to sell it don't tell anyone about it just sell it and forget about it

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