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Video: Ever Wondered What An 8-Bit Ni no Kuni Would Look Like?


Staff member
New trailer gives Level-5's JRPG a retro makeover.

With software coming thick and fast to Switch these days, it's never been easier for a game - even a damn fine one - to get lost in the crowd.
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released on Switch way back on 20th September, but we wouldn't be surprised if it passed you by in the rush of great stuff hitting the eShop. In an effort to remind overstretched gamers that it's available on Switch now, it seems Level-5 commissioned Dutton Films to create a new (Japanese) 'trailer' - check it out above.

This bespoke 10-minute video from
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takes the game's gorgeous Studio Ghibli art and gives it a pixel art demake. The makers call it '8-bit', although retro enthusiasts whose pet peeve is people confusing 8 and 16-bit graphics might get a little shirty about that. It's arguably something in between - 12 or 13-bit, maybe? Regardless, it's a cute look at an imaginary version of Level-5's lovely JRPG and well worth watching if you're a fan.

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