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This net neutrality thing... IF an ISP were to charge extra for certain things do you...


Sam Czochara

This net neutrality thing... IF an ISP were to charge extra for certain things do you guys really believe that big ass companies like Google, Netflix, Facebook are gonna let this shit fly?

Highly doubt it... all it’ll do is push Google (or other companies) to get fiber optic everywhere... sounds like a win to me no? ‍♂

Jacob Evans

Google makes so much in AdWords revenue. They definitely have a vested interest in stopping a pay-for-access system.

Greg Abney

It would still be internet. How it is delivered is irrelevant, I believe. Plus, the charges they incur would probably be passed onto us with a monthly fee or similar.

Eric Sheets

the Telecommunications Act of 1996 is how we got here. Good to see it back open. It's bullshit currently not being able to watch a 3 minute HD video on YT but a 3 minute HD commercial plays with no problem. We need more internet in rural areas. We've not had that in years.

Zeb Shrader

Ok, here's the deal. Using your example of Google, they own a lot, but they don't own everything. Let's say they want to turn YouTube Red into a Netflix clone, but you prefer Netflix. Google could charge you to access Netflix because it's not theirs.

I'll agree with some of what the FCC said. There are some regulations in Obama's bill that needed to be repealed I'm sure. However, I would like to have a few basic rules that ISP's have to abide to that pretty much keep the internet from being cable TV 2.0 where they can sell you a package of websites for an additional fee. I think that's the big thing everyone wanted to stay, not the entire bill.

Sean Condon

...and the free market proves you wrong again... when are you people gonna get it?

Gregory Ross

The free market will provide as it has been doing on the internet forever. If ISPs are going to jack up rates then people wont buy. If people dont buy a company's product or service they have to innovate and compete or go out of business. Freedom is better than having regulations that were basically written by the web giants like google, facebook, and twitter to help them control what you see and what you dont. there is always someone getting censored by these companies for petty reasons or just outright lies because they are a threat to their business or political agenda.

Conner Keys

This is what I was thinking. An ISP can’t charge access to a company that is not them. They can’t restrict you the access to steam or blizzard or anything.

That’s like the vehicle company Ford telling you that you can’t fill your gas anywhere but Shell unless you pay them an extra fee to allow you access to fuel up at Husky. That’s ridiculous. Y’all are freaking out over nothing. “The internet” isn’t owned by anybody, and everything on the internet isn’t owned by one company.

Christoph Brinkmann

Except of course in the many cities where Comcast AT&T and Verizon all bribe the city officials to make putting down fiber optic cable illegal. That'll make it kinda hard for Google to put the stuff down.

Joshua Batson

Correct. Net neutrality didn't exist pre-2015. Corporations did engage in unethical behavior back then that net neutrality sought to end but it was never as bad as people say it's going to be.

Атанас Стоилов

One problem i see is imagine accessing a website that isnt contributing to the isp company.. yeah they will slow the connection down to a crawl.

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