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This might be a dumb, stupid question, but how does one get into the competitive world...


Leroy Guartuche

This might be a dumb, stupid question, but how does one get into the competitive world of gaming?

Andrej Zecevic

Do you need negativity and stress in your life? If answer is yes download league and let your braincells die along with your faith in humanity

Emmett Murphy

Dm me i can help you I currently play for money

David Quinn

Getting good

Ponas Šaras

Work hard, practice a lot.. Same as any other skill.

Jacob Tesmond

Pretty sure he means how does someone get started. I'm sure he's already really good at a certain game, but it takes more than skill to get into professional gaming. You have know people. Know about events and how to enter them etc

Christopher William Strotheide

Ok i'll actually help, best place to start to start getting noticed and improving your skill is your local gaming scene.I would put together a highlight reel of sort save some full games where you did really well etc... Start going around to your local computer/gaming shops and business's of that nature and start talking about small sponsorships. So you'll rep their business usually in the form of merchandise like wearing t-shirts and hats while youre gaming in local tournaments in exchange they will pay your entrance fee and sometimes provide a place to practice along with other perks usually. A lot of this depends on the game I could tell u more if I knew what game or games you were looking to going pro in. I dont know if youre talking about solo games or team games etc... If it is a team game put together a team and you dont even necessarily have to be friends with them they just have to be good but preferably be friends that helps a lot with team chemisty and team work which is everything in pro gaming. Start doing tournaments and placing well in them preferably first or 2nd anything else you wont really go anywhere. This is from experience I use to play Call of Duty 4 and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 professionally. But again a lot of going pro depends on the game.

Shane Miner

Practice a lot... Like, all the time. It's hard when you have a job I would imagine. But nothing's impossible. Best of luck!

Mat Lee

Also, what's your age? From what I understand most teams won't want to invest in you if you're over 25. But I might be wrong about this.

Jacob Tesmond

You should start streaming on twitch. That way you can gain some attention

Anthony Martino

STEP I: Go on server, plan with teammates, then start the battle before they are ready while shouting LEEEEROOOOOYYYYY GUARTUUUUUCCCHHHEEEEEEE!!!

STEP II Profit

Christopher Montgomery

Go to competition's is a start.

Nathaniel Singletary

Pick one game that you wouldn't mind playing for hours on end. Devote all of your time into getting good at that game. Become a dictionary for every mechanic the game has. Get good enough to have a decent online footprint, quit your day job, and stream your daily practice for donations. If you get big enough you might get sppnsored. Take all of your skill to a tournament and play for a cash prize. Win or lose, go back to streaming until the next tournament.

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