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Switch The Switch's soft launch theory: Because the marketing and developing teams for both...


Jeffrey Bailey Jr.

The Switch's soft launch theory:
Because the marketing and developing teams for both the Wii U and 3ds are working on the Switch, I have full reason to believe that they are not ready to "fully" launch the system until the end of the year, just like the 3ds.

Launching the console early as March at a higher price allows for hardcore Nintendo fans to be invested day one. By the holidays, they have more games, and if they are willing to drop the price on the console, casual gamers and people looking for a good deal will be willing to buy.

The idea that this is planned makes sense, as the supply of Switches is short, and initial sales have exceeded the company's expectations. Reggie has even said in an E3 interview that a higher supply is on the way.

By November, major console-selling titles such as Mario Odyssey, Splatoon 2, ARMS and obviously BOTW(including DLC) will be released, along with plenty of ports, 3rd party and indie support, with dedicated online services (perhaps multimedia function?)at a low price if proper stock is kept.

if this worked with the 3DS, its more than able to work with the Switch.

Let's just all hope that things go well by the holidays.

Subik Khawaja

I wouldn't say they're waiting for a 'true launch', the console is already fully functional, games are coming out regularly as opposed to everything launching at the end of the year, and it's already appealing to the casual audience with things like MK and Zelda.

It's just the online service that's delayed. And I don't think they could've done that any other way, because why would you pay for an online service when there's nothing to play online (yet) and you've never tried it out for free

Eric Wynne Ho

it's popular, so they will not lower the price...

Eric Wynne Ho

maybe like 3DS to 2DS, make a weaker version "Not Switch", only handheld ver. and only console ver. hahahaha.... then a lower price. (just kidding!)

Shaun Paul Johnston

Yeah I don't think this is the actual plan to be honest. Of course you could be totally correct, we'll never really know.

Like I mentioned in my previous videos on SmallFryunify, I think Nintendo is using year 1 to build up the software library itself pretty much, with that they'll build a nice strong foundation to start enticing 3rd party devs to jump on board.

the 3rd party stuff you're seeing just now is just bonus essentially and probably they've been pretty selective about it. I think devs like Bethesda are only porting older stuff just now because Nintendo approached them and they're still weary of whether it's worth the time and effort. I don't even think they're that bothered about sales. I think all they'll be looking at this first year is install base. If Nintendo can get to 10m in year one then it's game on and well see loads more 3rd party support.

If Nintendo hits that figure way sooner then we'll see more devs like Psyonix jumping in with ports of their popular titles. I think they just want to know that it's going to work as in there'll be a decent user-base there for them. This is why Nintendo got some amazing big hitters in Y1, Super Mario Odyssey, Zelda: Breath of the Wild, ARMS, SPlatoon 2, Xenoblade 2 and more, this is all planned to get a massive surge at the start so 3rd parties will see a bright future for the platform and be willing to invest.

Bojan LoneWolf Nikolovski

The price wont go down anytime soon. If the wii was not discontinued and it could have been found in stores, the price would have stayed the same.

Jason Duag

switch is out of stock on jp :(

Miguel Carrasco

It's way too early for a price drop

Spencer Miller

There won't be a price drop. Not for a long time. Nintendo sells the switch for a profit and I think this is the lowest they could sell it for and still make money.
The 3DS got a massive price drop because it sold terribly and not many people bought it at $275 so they massively lowered the price a month after it came out. The switch is selling extremely well right now so I don't see a price drop in its future

Shaun Paul Johnston

i think people need to step back and have a look at Kimishima compared to Iwata as a CEO. Kimishima is much more similar to someone like Yamauchi, a businessman and essentially a suit. He's probably very business/money focused, whereas iwata coming from a dev background was, as much as i thought he was incredible guy, he was too soft on a business level.

Now this could all be a run on from Iwatas original plans before he passed away, I'll never know, but it could just be that Kimishima is getting Nintendo back on track on a purely business front. As long as they don't go too far in that direction then I'm cool with that.

Compete and agressively market the IP they have but still keep the gamer at the heart of it all. So no ripping people off but at the same time, getting the brands out there, getting in touch with YouTubers, creating other forms of media like animation, films, using Nintendo's IP. We're seeing this with things like Universals Theme Park, VANS branding, the Switch itself and finally going Region Free. There's more coming and I'm confident they'll get most of it right and be pretty competitive on a feature front. Sure they'll do some stupid stuff but they're at least mostly moving in the right direction now.

Brian Mcfarland

for a new console 300 dollars is dirt cheap.

Brian Bridenbecker

I always felt "march" was a soft launch. I firmly believe that real launch will be Fall w/Mario. E3 kind of confirmed that

Mark Wilkinson

the price was just right, considering what the thing does, my guess is they're making very little off the device itself, money will be made on games.

Brooke Rothschild

3DS had third party....the switch......not so much

Rolando Royster

I felt that $300 was the perfect price point for it. I dont know what people are complaining about. It was a good investment. Found mine about a month after it came out.

Seth Kaiju Daughtrey

I'd just drop dead and die if I got one some how. Bout to take on a second job JUST to buy one.

Tommy Burket

i highly doubt the price will drop anytime soon, the wii u is still 300 bucks i believe after years. i believe the price however is definitely consumer friendly.

Mark Arthur

Good joke... Nintendo lowering prices. Oh man that was funny.

Stephen Payne

More research needed. Nintendo are currently making a loss on the Switch, lowering the price further means the profit from the software sales won't be making a profit any longer. Also not a good idea for the shareholders.

Also, Reggie talks a lot of PR rubbish, there will still all be sold out at Christmas, this is because Nintendo want to to sound like it was successful, and eBay scalpers will again be making money from the parents misery.

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