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Xbox One The Story Of Elyria. The Elyrian Empire has ruled for thousands of years with an...

  • Thread starter Thomas Barfield
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Thomas Barfield

The Story Of Elyria.

The Elyrian Empire has ruled for thousands of years with an iron fist and now the Free Men Alliance (FMA) has surfaced. Built on the values of freedom and choice, they fight a losing battle to take the Empire back and into an age of peace and prosperity. Only time will tell the fate of the land of Ragnorok.

Once a member of the FMA, Captain Arcadian Creep sails the seas of Center Isles, leading The Golden Privateers in search of the hidden caches left by the FMA. He has a few skeletons in his closet though. Word has been spread that a new crew has acquired a imperial ship and his on the hunt for him, but who could this new threat be and what has the crazy captain done now?

Amongst the chaos surrounding the FMA and The Elyrian Empire, two more factions lurk in the lands of Ragnorok and The Center Isles.
One Nomadic tribe only known as the Wanderers, move from place to place. Taking what they want or helping as they see fit, they live by their own code and values. They can be a God sent or a nightmare depending on your perspective.
Some civilizations don’t always get to choose their leaders and that’s the sad truth for the people of Elyria. These are the common folk, simple farmers, breeders, tradesmen, miners, and just general folk. The people of Elyria can be as warming and a midday breeze or as cold as a winter storm. Anyway you look at it they rather be left alone to do business than take part in the bloodshed.

This story is still unwritten. Will you stand by and read? Or will you write your own page?

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