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The reality of Net Neutrality dying isn't that you're going to be charged for access...


Robert Clark

The reality of Net Neutrality dying isn't that you're going to be charged for access to netflix and hulu as packages. It's that you won't be able to access services, period, full stop.

Why? because they compete with a service your ISP has a stake in. Don't imagine AT&T charging you more to use Netflix on your phone, imagine Not being able to use it at all over mobile because it competes with direct TV. That's going to be the reality.

Becoming Godsize

People are extremely weak minded if you take their entertainment away they go crazy. Did the government forget how they are controlling the sheep?

Issei Harem

i'm not sure what this is but if they slow or block internet there will be alot of unwanted anger...... not sure how others take lag but it drives me insane

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