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Tell me of a time in comp when some one just lost their sh*t and threw


Joe Shepard

Tell me of a time in comp when some one just lost their sh*t and threw

Abdallah Kazi

Isn't that every game?

Parker Atkins

Ask mercy why she didn’t ult she tilt swaps to bastion starts jumping off map

Raimone Gresham

Um, my first comp placement this season. Had a duo of kids on our team and they were just instalocking DPS. The person I was with started to harass them. When I told him to calm down, ignore them, and instead we started joking at their expense. One got salty and just backed out. We won 5 v 6 on Horizon. ‍♂

Christopher Thompson

Hero selection screen on Route 66 Attack. We had 3 DPS and 2 Healers selected so far. Last guy picks Rein and asks for a second tank. Someone makes a joke that Bastion turns into a tank to lighten the mood.

Dude explodes at the joke, just straight loses it saying that it's time to throw, swaps to Widowmaker and starts calling everyone assholes.

One of the other DPS picks Zarya and he eventually gets back on Rein after we completely curb stomp the enemy despite his attempts at throwing.

Jan Breznik

throwers, rage quiters everywhere just dont play it...

Selena Lis

Two guys on my team threw because they met each other in another game and hated each other, one went widow the other torb and both of them bitched about each other whenever we (I was in a tree stack) messaged them to switch

Dan Wells

Dude did it because i was playing on a level 30 acc and dominating, so therefore i was smurf scum and didn't deserve a win

I was playing roles i was bad at and playing with my gf, but didnt think my other 3 teammates deserved a loss, so i swapped to my main and carried anyway

Salty fucks :p

Anthony Rodriguez

2 nights ago I was playing 3v3 and this Pharah immediately abandons me and Rein and expected me to Pocket them when it was dangerous. They died and had tons of excuses, but when I ressed him he didn't care and threw the rest of the game by not healing me and not playing. He then proceeded to call me the c word

Kelly Cowart

“If you don’t switch from Genji i’m gonna throw as doomfist”

We win

“How you feelin with those bronze elims, Genji?”

I’m not sure what Genji he was talking about we had 2

John Huk

Was playing against iddqd and a 4500 Doomfist main. We countered the DF pick off the bat, so he swapped, and his teammate got mad and switched to him to try and prove he was better. We rolled them.

Brandon Schramm

We had a guy before who instalocked Rein and proceeded to play one of the worst games of him I've ever seen. We had my friend who mains Rein snatch it from him and he proceeded to attempt to throw as widow. Ironically we ended up winning, his poor Rein play was more detrimental to our team than him actively throwing

Daniel Marsh

Every match im in that’s why I’m stuck in the bottom of bronze

Luke Schirmer

Someone on my team asked our Reaper to kill the Winston. He went on a tirade in text chat insulting everyone and bitching and sat in spawn the rest of the game

Astin Wayne Harville

Yesterday. Played sombra on junkertown. Dude got so tilted because I played her calling me shit and how I was making us lose. So he goes attack widow and his buddy goes torb. At the end of the game he calls me retarded, garbage, etc. Then I'm the only team member who made the board.

Curtis James Littlechild

Once I was on Oasis. I was dva. And a teammate messaged me mid game. Telling me to give him dva. I ignored him. We lost that round. He then messaged me saying nice one. Then picked Torbjorn and kept jumping to his death. We lost that game unsurprisingly.

Susanne Lindskog

I said I in voice chat and these 2 premade guys lost their shit and threw the game, good times.

Carlos Martinez-Rodas

Every match because there’s A LOT of people who throw without knowing. Up until Mid-Diamond-ish it’s about who can throw less.

James Bezanson

Season 5 was the worst for that

Sophie Kitty Abrahams

Had a winston who refused to attack the other team because he wanted to 'make friends' so he would just throw down his shield and run his dance emote and get killed continuously. After a while they just didn't leave spawn and dance emoted in spawn instead. Yeah. We lost.

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