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Sooo, this is relevant only because he and I got to know eachother on Overwatch and I...


Allyssa Carpenter

Sooo, this is relevant only because he and I got to know eachother on Overwatch and I want to gush. I started out during the first free week of November in 2016 to try the game and see how well my laptop and family desktop could even handle it. He had bought it back in May but hardly played, and only started to dedicate himself at that point to comp. We added eachother to play on WoW back in maybe July, but that never ended up happening and so we didn't talk or message again until November.

I played at 25-30 fps, but still got on so I could spend time with him. It had been a lonely few months before playing since I'd just graduated, my friends moved away, I didn't really talk to anyone and my job was (and comtimues to be) horrible. With him came other friends and I felt like my days were brighter again.

We spent more time together, he asked me out, and in January it'll be a full year of dating. There's been bumps and tough moments, but ultimately I'm glad I met him and while part of me is extremely grateful he sent this to me, the other part isn't since it was $508 and I'm anxious about receiving expensive gifts.

Back in February he sent me his old pc parts but, between my ignorance on building pcs and USPS playing hot potato with the box, something went wrong and at some point it just never booted again after having a lot of trouble trying to get a display.

Even though he was a grandmaster Ana in competitive, I was the Mercy to his Soldier in quickplay, of course lul. And it was solely thanks to playing with him that I got from mid silver to high plat.

We'd duel eachother on McCree and he'd kick my ass constantly, but it helped me aim better in the long run LOL. Equal parts fun and frustrating at the time.

Carl Cabrera

First steps to building the rest! Only thing left would be your case, power supply, cpu cooling, and peripherals! Someone add more if I’m missing any.

Building it is gonna be the best feeling, especially since your core components came from your other half!

Allyssa Carpenter

Now the problem is windows \o/

Chris Froeschle

I have that ram! :D

Madeline Garcia

Lol looks like my build

Madeline Garcia

Except I have ryzen focus ram

Gerardo Gutierrez

Hey look another success story of meeting online.

*looks at people who tried and failed

"Someday mate"

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