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Switch Something people need to understand.... The switch isn't like other systems so let's...


James Netters

Something people need to understand.... The switch isn't like other systems so let's not compare it to them. Same goes for there games. To say this game is missing this feature on the switch is no different than saying that same game is missing portability aspects on a ps4 or touch screen on an Xbox one. You don't compare a helicopter and a plane. Yes while they both fly they are meant to do two different things. The system wasn't meant to compete directly against Sony and Microsoft. So take the system for what it is a hybrid console which some developers still are getting a feel for. Let's not forget games tend to get better as a consoles life cycle goes on.

Jordan Saylor

If it was, I wouldn't have bought one.

Switch makes gaming fun again in ways it hasn't been for 10 years (outside of Occulus).

Salvador Guerrero

You are so right .wish my uncle could understand this

Mike Wood Jr.

This has been explained thousands of times, people still don't get it. Just enjoy the switch and let the people who complain about it complain.

Patrick Doyle

I think it's fine to compare, with the understanding that the Switch is different for a reason. It's lacks the power of the Xbox one and PS4. So we shouldnt expect AAA titles to be the same. I love my Switch regardless. Though I do think Nintendo will make a Switch 2.0 that beefs up the power, and addresses its imperfections in the near future.

Bora Chreng

That shouldn’t be used as an excuse that the Switch isn’t competing for a space in the shelf in people’s homes. Most people’s hangars are only so big. Once they’ve chosen and bought their first private plane, they can still have the option of choosing another plane or a helicopter.

James Netters

But do we look at games on the ps4 or Xbox one and say well this game isn't portable on those systems .... No because that's not what they were designed for. The switch wasn't designed for the latest and greatest graphics. Didn't say the system isn't competing for space on the shelf said it's making it's own space and not worrying about Sony or Microsoft

Bella Hale

This type of post has been made a lot since March. I think we can all agree the switch is its own thing. And we all love it for that.

Lennette Alison Wells

Yes. That’s why I love both my Switch and 3DSXL!!! They are both unique in their own way...

Cristiam Ortiz

What? Switch is like other systems... you can compare it to a ps4 or an Xbox one, vita and 3ds...

In other words it's a console/ Handheld hybrid

Isaac Howard

I play both
my PS4 and Switch lol

George Benjamin

I have a netflix-machine(ps4) and a switch for Zelda I just finished, soon I will be playing the first good game on ps4 - southpark and Mario for switch. But yeah you need to compare, although the switch has a greater difference to the 2 others than the two others have to eachother. But still, there will always be the Console war between the three.

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