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Some Sombra tips for aspiring Sombra mains: 1) Always try to take the high ground....

  • Thread starter Jahmai Shokio Williams
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Jahmai Shokio Williams

Some Sombra tips for aspiring Sombra mains:

1) Always try to take the high ground. Its easier to get in a clean hack from above, and Sombra lacks survivability in the mid-fight so high ground provides her the cover she needs.

2) Contrary to popular belief, Sombra CAN get picks. Mercy and Zen can be easy pickings for her. Try not to fool around with Ana and Lucio as they're much harder to deal with and you'll rarely be able to solo eliminate them. Don't forget that EMP knocks out shields so Zen is a free pick for you if you get him in it.

3) If you or one of your teammates gets a pick, try to hover near the body. If Mercy comes in to res, you can hack her before she gets it off (hack is 0.8 seconds). Then her wings are clipped and she can be a free kill.

4) Try prioritizing tanks for yours hacks. A hacked D.Va, Orisa, or Rein are basically dead and effectively removed from the fight. Your team having a shield and the enemy team not having one is a huge advantage. Naturally, if the enemy team is running Rein AND Orisa, Sombra does great vs that type of comp as EMP destroys all barriers.

5) Sombra can actually deal with Pharah and Pharmercy. Hack Mercy, and she can no longer follow Pharah or even escape from the air. Use Translocator to get to high ground to deal with Pharah herself, such as the high ground on the middle portion of Dorado, end of Junkertown, etc. Lots of maps have accessible high ground that can put Pharah into Sombra's effective range.

6) Not a tip, but a rule: BE IN VOICE CHANNEL. Keeping silent while playing Sombra is doing your team no favors and you're basically reducing Sombra's effectiveness by 50%. EMP's need to be called out and coordinated, and it can be hard to see who's hacked due to that dull red effect they have, so hacked targets need to be called out. Also, Sombra's passive shows her anyone 50% HP and below, so call out any red outlined character you see.

Will post lots more throughout the week, don't wanna make the posts too long.

Elissa Keplinger

Tracer is also as good as dead and an easy pick for sombra while hacked. As soon as you take her ability to escape away shes a dead fish.

Mario Flores

Definitely the voice chat part, a good EMP can wipe the enemy team if your team is coordinated enough

Malachi Ward

Thankyou so much brother I needed this!

Kim Hughes

It's hard to stay in voice when people are constantly slagging you off though.

Sadie Turner

thank you so much , this was very helpful !

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