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So just got done playing comp with friends. im a 2900 support main and i was on my old...


Anissa Martinez

So just got done playing comp with friends. im a 2900 support main and i was on my old account that i droped to 1900 to play with lower elo friends.

This girl was in the party and got annoyed with me and messaged our mutual friend that i was annoying for calling out ults placements and just over all where the enemy team was.

God forbid i got potg. Because she would get upset and could hear her huffing on the other end of her open mic as she furiously typed in whisper to our friend.

This first hand is why most people are stuck in that elo. They think call outs are stupid. Sad part is shes not the only one ive come across who hates call outs in general.

It just baffles me. Not to mention girls get shit from guys now other girls are jumpin on the ban waggon xD

Theo van Booma

I got told I was toxic for calling out my discords as zenyatta

Katie Len Mellema

I'm sorry, but girls are some of the most impatient toxic people I've come across in OW. I think it's cause we're short tempered? But I can't count how many cat fights I've had on my team because some chick that was quiet all game just suddenly starts talking like, "WTF BITCH, WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU USELESS HOES?" Idk, I find it entertaining.

C Scott Geiger

so much UGH.

C Scott Geiger

The only thing i regularly tilt at is when i fucking die as DPS, and i see our healer (fucking mercy) beaming a rein with his shield up...

this happens SO FUCKING OFTEN. Support players sometimes really dont understand. They have this 'gotta keep the tanks up' even when dps have 1/3rd the hp.. ugh.

Marcel Hermann

Luuul I think my friends are really thankfull that I call EVERYTHING xD

Tiffany Verina Antone

I wouldn't mind your talking and call outs I'm not good at that. You can have all the potg you want aswell some women can be soo annoying complaining and sighing about everything

Tempest Rogers

Wait wait wait, your the same one I saw with that reaper potg! Question: (this is for a theory of mine) were you a MERCY main?

Kayla Jai O'Rourke

I just can't get past the dropping rank on purpose...

Jane Caldwell

I may not play comp....but in like any multi player fps game, shouldn't you be making those call outs for your team? I thought that was basic game sense.

Ken Pack

i got reported because i am ana and did not heal a tank because i am sniping a pharah that is trying to kill me

Ryan Lewis

If I hated call outs I would be one of those even more toxic seige players I'm toxic enough killing my friends half the time cause they wanna be dicks xD

Vanessa Büscher

I don't know why but it seems to me that some girls don't like other girls in video games just because they are girls too. It's like a competition "who is the better girl" or something. I don't get why but I experienced it a few times :D why can't we just all play in peace :/

Ryan Wegrzyn

r u on ps4

Hannah Marie Pierce

Call outs have saved my life several times

Zephannie Bronilla

Yeah sometimes girls just wanna bite other girls...I think that's one of the reasons why she was annoyed with you. There are those wonderful gems, but for the most part, I've had bad experience with them. It's weird how they're not even embarrassed to totally insult you LOL I've met some great girls, but others are...well, I think you'd know. Funny thing is, I don't even get on the mic LOL but do what you're doing, that's great! I listen in the game, but wish I could do shot calling! Too afraid to go on mic, but I've gotten to plat in solo without the use of it, so I'll be okay with that

Alice Catrinel

You need to meet a cool chick, one you can hang out at a ber with :D

Linus Backman

i know the feels i was playing with 1 friend and his friend and then i made a statement that i dident peronally liked this music artist and after i sayed that i was worse then hitler himself. so i stoped playing with my friends friends after that....

Ashley Lorena

that's why I don't like to play with other girls/women, they are usually really cringy in general (to me, at least. I'm really used to play with men while they just keep telling their penis jokes [kind of gross sometimes])

Sean Waite

I love getting told to shut up while doing call outs

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