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PC So I’m a big fan of destiny, never complained about the game. But one area with the...

  • Thread starter Joshua James Redfern
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Joshua James Redfern

So I’m a big fan of destiny, never complained about the game. But one area with the new dlc where I feel Bungie said “that will do” is the new strike. It’s just a carbon copy of a heroic adventure, feel like they could of done more with it

Perry Armstrong

your still going on about this?

Carlos Alberto Martinez

people bitched and moaned that strikes dont make sense in the game. bungie incorporates the strike in the story, like they said they would. people still go mad. honestly this community doesnt know what the fuck it wants half the time.

Joshua James Redfern

I will commend them on the new public event, I think that’s awesome, truly is he biggest one ever

Karl Weinger

Ehh....its funny the amount of people sticking up for this's chit for the price. It feels like something that should be free and the sooner we hold them accountable the sooner they will stop this chit.
Dlc is decent but not worth the price.

Jon Story

Hey guys, remeber in d1 where strikes were literally part of the story campain, and after when you replayed them.they didn't even change any of the voicelines. It was just part of the story that you played over and over for loot? Just like d2, god, the nerve of bungie. How many times have you killed Omnigul? How is that at all differnt from this?

Roberto Naldi

As I said on another post, some complained that strikes weren't woven into the storyline of vanilla D2 so Bungie made them an organic part of the story in CoO. Some are still complaining :D

Joshua Taylor

People will always find a way or something to complain about. Especially the kids who feel entitled to the world.

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