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So for anyone who is trying to climb: DON'T GO ON AN SR SUICIDE. My rule is, if you...


Kit Snow

So for anyone who is trying to climb: DON'T GO ON AN SR SUICIDE. My rule is, if you lose two games, /take a break/. I know it might be hard when you just want to play but you'll never get anywhere if you keep going and telling yourself "maybe I'll win the next one". You'll just put yourself in a hole and out 100+SR. If I'm winning, I keep going but as soon as I lose one, I typically take a break but the 2 rule can still apply here. This is why I also have an "alt account," so I can go there and not stress my mains SR.

Mathieu Berger-Latour

For sure that's a "safe" approach, but you're limiting your play time a lot.
I generally stop playing when I get tilted to the point where I know my gameplay will be affected. Otherwise, win/lose I keep going until I'm bored.

Chris Barber

Rocket league taught me this, as well as abandoning the idea of 'leave on a win' when you're on a losing streak

Josh Tam

What I read: When you lose 1 or 2 matches, the system detects your MMR value which is stored in the game window and Blizzard client app. So the next match you will be paired with other loser teammates (just lost) such as yourself. You bet they're gonna be angry and toxic stepping into the game. Or, they'll be not so great at the game. Your opponents will be the ones who are winning. So, close the game and the Blizzard app, and maybe wait 5 minutes or just a few seconds, up to you. Then reopen the game. The MMR will be reset and you will be paired with random winners/losers and not exclusively losers. Same thing applies vice versa. If you win, your next match you will team up with winners too. And you will win more. It's not the break that is helping, but it's the reset that affects the matchmaking, says this theory.

The guy who said this claimed to have climbed from silver to plat or something like that, doing this reset thing. I have yet to test this myself though.

Amir Goodger

I stop at 3. I learned that when I was in gold now low plat when I was high plat. Time to only go healer to gain 200 Sr in about a couple hours then hopeful get diamond only playing healer and tanks.

Alan Schramm

Lost three in a row cause of a leaver. Just found some awesome people the next game and we won 7 games in a row xD

Sam Casey

Wesley Moe this season

Vynyl Shiro

Yeah but I don't wanna stop because I lost my first two games, I've barely even played at that point.

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