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So does everyone only hate Hanzo for the fact that all little kids want to play him...


Kit Snow

So does everyone only hate Hanzo for the fact that all little kids want to play him because they think it's cool for a character to use a bow and arrow? Because I've been wrecked by Hanzos as well as having Hanzos on my team who wreck, so.. Like, before anyone even has a chance of showing what they're capable of, the whole team is groaning at the pick/think you're throwing etc. I don't get it. Or is it just a "fact" that majority of Hanzo players suck?

Alejandro Carranza

No heroe should 1 hit kill a tank

Carausu Andreea

He also is a meme character... so it's also a meme hate him I guess

Lee Batres

They hate his Scatter arrow.

Mary Gimenez

Tbh I only have encountered spooky widows.

Mechanically-wise: scatter arrow is bullshit and its hitbox is ridiculous, also one-shot bodyshots.

Playerbase-wise: I guess Hanzo and widowmaker are literally the most used DPS on quickplay, people that pick those characters never switch and are low ranks that, most of the time, can't aim for shit; most sniper players just suck in general, that stigma injected itself in competitive and now nobody likes to see hanzo/widowmaker in comp and if you play ana, people will ask you to switch.
I blame mercy mains for ruining ana's rep because if you see a shitty ana anywhere it's prolly just a mercy main tryharding.

John Huk

He's fine at higher ranks, depending on the map

Dawn Hailey Shaye Walls

I don't think people know why they even hate Hanzo anymore. He's just a meme.

Dhanj Narasimhan

They get sniped and can't accept that someone is better at aiming

That, and scatter arrow

Sandra Krähenbühl


Serena Reinhardt

It's just that.. Too many self proclaimed "Hanzo mains" rely too much on scatter arrow and can't hit anybody without it. I'm not saying all Hanzo mains do this, but the lower ranks do, just like "McCree" mains who can only get a kill with hiding around a corner and flashbanging people. It's always ten times worst when these types of people are on your team and aren't contributing to anything because they're so easily killed without their cheap tactics

Dee Bostantzoglou

i personally dont hate hanzo players, and i think hanzo is a cool character himself, but i’ve had a lot of encounters with toxic players/annoying 12ies who happened to be playing hanzo

Christian Wilson

the problem is on both sides generally u see an insta lock hanzo thats what they are gonna play and in this game u cant just play one hero every time but bitching at the hanzo pretty much ensures he isnt gonna switch. ya a good hanzo can do work but when the other team gets a winston or maybe a medium range hitscan with a shield and start to counter them and they will not switch. and if theres allready a widow or 3 dps on ur team dont pick hanzo pick a tank or something. its just a game sure its just qp thats fine doesnt mean people aren't trying to win and other heroes can be way more sustainable than hanzo if you really wanna play him and only him go play on arcade custom games or against bots play qp or ranked if u wanna win

Andrew Davis

Aim at feet, fire scatter arrow. DARGUN KONSOOM

Emily White

It’s because Hanzo is very inconsistent if you’re not playing on a Wraxu level.

Alaa Yassine

Well when i see a hanzo with 30% win rate and that same person has a 55% win rate on mercy.. mate hanzo is just not for you...

Katie Chapman

I feel this also applies to Junkrat as well

Deci Amaritei

I only hate hanzos that have less than 50% win rate

Miguel Angel Opazo Arancibia

It's a fact. Deal with it.

Ashton Ryan Jenkot

Majority suck that’s probably why. I’ve played against a hand full of hanzos who were good af tho

Luna Bellinski

The thing is with Hanzo for me, that whilst a good Hanzo can be very ruthless, the vast majority of Hanzo's I've ended up in teams with aren't very good, so if someone picks Hanzo I'm automatically skeptical. I won't automatically shit on someone for picking Hanzo unless either they've been playing him for a bit in the match and have been shit, or if we need another kind of hero, because for some reason whenever you need another kind of hero like a tank or a healer, the person left always seems to pick either Hanzo or Genji instead of just going what is needed, and Hanzo and Genji mains tend to be the kind of people who refuse to switch to benefit the team which pisses me off

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