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Should Lucio still be able to have speed song on when he has the flag, or should that...


Emma Rebecca

Should Lucio still be able to have speed song on when he has the flag, or should that be disabled like other abilities? Discuss.

Walter Steven Paul

If it's active before he grabs it yes.

Heather Finkey

it drops the flag if he does it when he has the flag

Christopher Thompson

It's his passive ability.

Now if you're asking should he be able to Crossfade that's an ability that requires input and can result into increased speeds.

However that's not the only way for Lucio to go fast. If he wall rides and times his jumps properly he can get up to a 65% speed increase (that stacks) and then bunny hop after landing to keep all the speed increases.

So you'd need to make it so when he jumps he drops the flag too.

Noman Saleem

Like Christopher Thompson said. Its too complicated to balance. Just kill him first. Its not that hard unless your team is brain dead and ignores him.

Christopher Thompson

Best Defense against a Lucio is a Hanzo and a Torb. Not one or the other. Have both. Specifically a Hanzo that can actually hit a moving target.

Set the Turret up near the Flag and have Hanzo watching the Flag (Not off trying to 1v6).

Lucio cannot do much with a Turret targeting him.

Noman Saleem

Yeah. I got shut down by a Hanzo in a match cause he killed me every time with scatter or brought me down low enough to be killed by Torb turret. There is always a torb anyway. Oasis Library is pretty hard to defend though. That map is pure shit for ctf

Zachary Saul

they should treat it like oddball from halo. in order to use your weapons or abilities you have to drop the flag. but you can still punch with the flag. so you have to lead a team push to cap

Samuel Vasquez Mauricio

Yes and yes

Brendon Alexander

No. In fact, NO ONE should be able to use any abilities while holding the flag. Just like in every other shooter that has the mode. When 1 player has the flag, the rest of the team are the ones that are supposed to do the work.

Lucio alone still having his speed boost and healing while holding the flag, breaks the mode.

Paul Mackie

keep it on its a passive but i feel but he cannot amp it up so its fine x

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