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Xbox One Ques for competitive... 7 points from breaking my all time SR. On attack... Numbani 5...

  • Thread starter Sellers Stephen Norris
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Sellers Stephen Norris

Ques for competitive... 7 points from breaking my all time SR.
On attack... Numbani
5 dps instalock, out of those 5 is an attack Torb and attack Symmetra, both are under level 30. Also have attack Widow, Junkrat and Hanzo, all under level 100. I go Zen (my best healer) and ask for a Tank, preferably for the attack Torb, Widow, Hanzo or Symmetra to switch. Get told in god awful screeching that “you can’t tell me how to play this game” from the level 30’s. We get wrecked and don’t even get one click on the first point.
On defense....
other 5 instalock Widow, Hanzo, Genji, McRee and Doomfist. I go healer again and ask for someone to tank and another healer would be good. More screeching from the two level 30’s, same shit. 10 seconds into defense, both level 30’s leave mid game. Enemies cap the point in less than 1 Minute.
FYI: I had Gold in healing (duh), Damage, Kills, and Objective kills... as Zenyatta. ‍♂

I got paired w/ the 2 level 30’s for 2 more games in a row. Both times, they did the same shit... when asked to switch, the screeched and then left mid game. After the last round, one of them mssg’d me and said they were reporting me for bullying them and for me to “go fuck a mother butt fucker”.

And people wonder why climbing out of Silver/Gold is so hard...
So, how’s you guys evening going?

Alex Westrum

That sucks big time sorry bro.

Seriously though, report them for the offensive language via messaging. They should get banned from Xbox live.

And a word to the wise, never use offensive language in messages. It is really easy to get banned for it.

Karl Portmann

I rarely solo queue any more. I usually have at least 3/4 stack of flex so can force good team Comp. I play a lot of Zen but have hardly ever had to solo heal.

Addie Reasons

Don’t talk shit about zendaddy

Craig Green Lantern McNeill

How did you get matched with them 3 times in a row? Wouldn't they have been suspended after the first leave?

Hakan Tokbay

report them as in ny experiance you dont get placed with them again

Oswald Austin

Report and prefer. Had one bad season hopped on that train been stead climbing for a few seasons. Biggest downside is now I get teams up with people who ALL want to wait and see where the team comp is going XD it's like a game of who can wait the longest. Generally always a 2-2-2 combo unless someone just knows it's not going to matter lol so come join us in the good games of overwatch where you have fun and a decent chance of getting 2 healers while you solo que :3

Dylan Combs

go fuck a mother butt fucker

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