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Xbox One Pvp cluster that is similar to official, but with plenty of changes made to reduce the...


Blake Perez

Pvp cluster that is similar to official, but with plenty of changes made to reduce the grind. Nothing here is instant or infinite, and you won't get bored in a week. The cluster offers rag, island, and aberration. Think of us as official, so there's no store, no starters, and no admins going around using commands to benefit themselves or their friends.

Changes have been made to speed up progression and cripple trolls. No one is raiding stone bases after an hour on our cluster.

We also allow for unlimited mindwipes, because crafting skill is one thing that ark got right! Craft your blueprints with full crafting skill and then mindwipe back to normal.

Tribe tame limit is increased, engram points are increased, turret limited is increased, and many other things that don't make players or dinos overpowered but simply get rid of the grind.

Come check us out. We have been here since the beginning, and will continue on after other servers go down.

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