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PS4 | PS4 | Prim+ | Ragnarok | PVP | PC Unofficial | Server: Legends of Oros Roleplay...


Jay Maliciôus

| PS4 | Prim+ | Ragnarok | PVP | PC Unofficial | Server: Legends of Oros Roleplay w/Starter |

* Drakka Dominion looking for more Lost Souls to join our Armies to spread Darkness across the Lands and vanquish the Warriors of the Light. *

Complete the following Application and wit for the Dark Lord to contact you:
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Hello and welcome to Legends of Orôs! This is a Lord of the Rings inspired Roleplay Server for fans of games like Skyrim, Minecraft, Age of Empires, etc. There are 20 different Races and 13 different Kingdoms each with their own Kings, Laws, Towns, and Events. The Admins roleplay as Elemental God's and grant Prayers (admin requests) if the correct offering is completed. Kings make up their own Laws even the Gods have to abide by, and settlements are resolved in an organized roleplay fashion (any killing must have a roleplay purpose). So come join the fun and start your Journey the way you want to!

✨ Join Orôs today and receive an Ascendant Starter Pack with Dino when you build your house ✨

✔ 100% Authentic Organized Drama Free Roleplay
✔ 13 Kingdoms to live in
✔ 20 different Races to choose from
✔ Unlimited Job opportunities
✔ Player lvl cap @ 200
✔ ️Max lvl Wild Dino's @ 300
✔ Balanced rates for smooth gameplay
✔ Element (server currency) spawns in White Drops.
✔ ️Dino Rights reserved for Kings.
✔ Territory Laws
✔ Prim+ Resource trade in values.
✔ Epic Events, Dungeons, Group Boss Battles, Mini games, Races, Olympics, and so much more!
✔ Most of all, our top priority is your enjoyment so any and all comments and criticisms intended to help server development are appreciated.

⏩⏩Join Legends of Orôs today! ⏪⏪

To take full advantage of everything our Server has to offer (which is quite a bit), please do the following:

▶ Join the Discord @
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We use this as our primary networking tool, youll find all current server information and news here.
(it is a free gaming app for your laptop, smartphone, or tablet to connect with the Community of Orôs)
⚠Ask for new invite if link is expired⚠

▶Once your Discord Account is Registered, complete the entire Application @
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and the God of your chosen Alignment will contact you and help you on your Journey.
⚠ ALL questions must be answered correctly or your application will be ignored!!! ⚠

▶Once a God has contacted you they will help you choose a Kingdom to live in, Tribe and/or Job/Role placement (by request), initial starter pack, and alliance network.

▶From there it is completely up to you how your Story unfolds. If you'd like to have a bigger part in the Server, we have positions available with weekly compensation (in-game currency) for our Narrative Team, Promo Squad, and we're even looking for a 4th Admin to help run the Server! (certain qualifications apply; PM for more details).


Contact information

Gods (psn):

☁ ️zxSuperxNovaxz
*currently looking for a Water God. PM for more details*

⏩ Facebook Group:
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⏩ PSN Community:
"Legends of Orôs - Epic Ark Roleplay"



~~ Basic ~~

1. Two-Strike Policy per PVP & PVE Offences

2. Be respectful at all times

3. No griefing, trolling, excessive foul language

4. Stay in Character at all times unless using "(OOC)" for emergencies/trading purposes

5. Everyone must abide by the Chain of Command.

6. Steal at your own discretion

7. Open Waters are Neutral Territory, travel safely

8. All Official Trades require a Receipt (make a Note stating both psn, item, price, and in game day)

9. Each Kingdom must have their Laws posted


~~ Advanced ~~

1. All Roleplay must be 100% authentic for Narrative development

2. Tribeleaders are responsible for the actions of their Tribe (no exceptions)

3. Tribeleaders may only claim Quest Rewards once per day per God

4. To become elected King of your Kingdom; 3 tribe minimum within borders, at least half of the Total Territory Vote, 10 Tribemates total, and all Citizens Registered

5. All Taxes must be paid on time or you will be fined heavily (no exceptions)

6. Tribe Hosted Events may only be held within the Kingdom of the Host at the Kings discretion.

7. All Dino's sold by the Rights Owners must be spayed/neutered.

8. Prayers (admin requests) may only be Invoked by a Tribeleader/Rep

9. You must Request Council with the Gods to Wage War on another Kingdom

10. Any PVP must be for Roleplay purposes

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