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PC playing some banner before work, this guy has been in 3 of my matches going AFK with...

  • Thread starter Carlos Alberto Martinez
  • Start date

Carlos Alberto Martinez

playing some banner before work, this guy has been in 3 of my matches going AFK with 0.0 results. fuck you guy, you make everyone's experience shit.

Nick Gordon

That sucks i hate how you still get rewared when you dp nothing. Seems like all that guy is trying to do is collect the iorn tokens amd get his 30 games done without doing anything thats lame af. In d1 it was similar except they would reward you more of you sucked. Like There was a glitch if you just constently killed y out itself the whole game at the end of the game it would give you one of the best pvp weapons.

Richard Johnston

Yeah!! F that guy!!!

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