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PC Our mercy had 20k heals. Our rein had silver elims. Our tanks and healers carried...


Josh Woods

Our mercy had 20k heals. Our rein had silver elims. Our tanks and healers carried the shit out of our team and widow threw the game because I said she needed to switch. Typical overwatch

Scott Bovitt

Garbage Widows, Hanzos, Torbs, and Sombras.

Not bad picks, but on the right maps and with the right skill.

Mary Cena

Happened to me the other day. Someone suggested once at the beginning of the match that Hanzo might not be good. He proved us wrong and nobody said anything. Halfway through the 1st round, he starts getting triggered yelling around that "see, Hanzo is a bad choice right?" Literally went on and on with nobody even saying anything about it except "Yes you proved us wrong" decides to switch and throw the round. Goes Torb on attack and asks the entire round if Torb was a good idea. We went from shitting on the enemy team to getting our shit completely destroyed because this dude wanted to cry. It was fucking ridiculous.

Josh Woods

I've been playing since season 2 and the game has really gone down hill since then. I don't like the current meta at all. I hate characters that only require game sense and no mechanical skill. And I hate when people are selfish and play whatever they want instead of being part of the team. There's no reason to play comp if you won't work with the team. Dude I could bitch forever about this lol

Bryan Molina

Hey im almost at 25, but no mic yet, might get a speakers soon, but im coming from ps4, would you guys, like to help do placments with me? Godbmo#1517

Cameron Webb

Lol classic widow

George Rodriguez


James Newman

Only thing annoyingly "typical" here is people asking someone to change. Keep it to yourself

Josh Woods

Change if your not helping the team it's all about team work don't be selfish

Ben Dewhirst

What's your SR? Maybe we could play

Tyler Phillips

Sounds about right. What's so great about widow that people would rather lose than switch?

Franklyn Goi Gregory

Will never understand how people don't know how to screenshot

Robert Laub

As a hanzo main, i never get hanzo in comp because i always pick for the team and while i do like playing him, it isn't always viable and with no wombo combo not very effective either. Hanzo should be played around, which puts alot of pressure on the hanzo to perform. Take that into consideration as well. when your comps based around how well you do, its easy to fall to pressure specially once the flame starts. I get more of the likes of mercy and Lucio in ranked these days but i also will defend my main when people that 1 trick snipers are the argument. Like im not an angry person, so this is no way, rage at the post. Im am just sharing my 2 cents worth as a hanzo main, to say its not always easy with the mentality of overwatch to even play the people we want. On the whole though all the people that flame snipers for playing them, some people see this flame and legit wont play their "good" pick simply to not have to deal with the hate. Think about that as well

Abdulrahman Almutairi

People don't know to to take criticism in order to improve. According to Rodhog, : "There is no I in team"

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