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Ok so with AMD are they doing epyc first or threadripper because I'm confused or is...

  • Thread starter Dominic Reiner-Clarke
  • Start date

Dominic Reiner-Clarke

Ok so with AMD are they doing epyc first or threadripper because I'm confused or is one of them only happening

Hugo Selgado

They are both happening and are aimed at completely different audiences

Hugo Selgado

Epyc is a server CPU and was built to go up againt Xeons. Those are what run the internet and keep us chatting in those massive server farms in air conditioned rooms.

Hugo Selgado

Threadripper is AMDs enthusiast CPU lineup that is build to go against Intels X series lineup in the i7X and i9X etc. These are for people that do stuff like rendering and CAD and MAYA work and need a lot of threads for their Applications. Threadripper only goes as high as 16 cores while AMD Epyc is a 32 Core Behemoth and also has a Dual Socket motherboard where you can slap on 2 of the highest end Epyc CPUs and have a 64 core 128 thread mamajamma. Those are Server CPUs and have lower clocks.

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