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Xbox One New island map Nitrado server Theme is Viking kingdoms Rp There is currently 4...


Riley Calton

New island map Nitrado server
Theme is Viking kingdoms Rp
There is currently 4 kingdoms that need a brave king or queen to conquer and control their land and lead their kingdom to a healthy success

Each kingdom will represent a Dino so the Dwarfs will be wolves
Elves will be bears
Fertile will be green obelisk will have a poison wyvern to represent that kingdom
Myrar will be blue obelisk will have a ice wyvern to represent that kingdom
Alimant will be red obelisk and have a fire wyvern to represent that kingdom

10x taming
14x Breeding
14x maturation
20x egg hatch
4x imprints to get 100%

All Roles are needed and each player will have a story based to their role and jobs etc... if your interested put your GT/ IGN/ and role and a little intro to your character

I own the Viking territory (myrar) join the fb group

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