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Moment of silence for all the moira players who get complained at for not healing -...


Andy Angel

Moment of silence for all the moira players who get complained at for not healing - seriously do people not realise you need to charge your healing energy, I swear that sometimes players think you can heal indefinitely without having to charge it back up. Like I get that some people might use the alt fire and damage orb way too often, but we can't always be healing you either

Daniel Haigh

the thing is most dps even if they are full charge

Xavier Pleva

Also, people really dont realize just how useful moiras damage can be.

Mina Davis

I wish some Moira players would chill out though and let her gradual healing do it's thing. That also means your teammate needs to fall back and let it gradually heal too

Nick Laus

I like nearly never run out of charge. I'm a Moira main and I see far too many other Moiras overusing the healing and they don't realise it's a hot. My average 10 minute healing as Moira is just over 15k and got complimented a few games ago by another Moira main about it.

Solaír Whómst Praisé

NGL if I'm losing I'll switch to Moira because she's a huge carry hero when you do shit right. Always get 4-5 golds, (my goal is to have higher healing than damage). Her damage is amazing and that range. I keep everyone alive easily while also contributing with damage

Sam Wilkinson

Actually the reason is because most moiras I have come across literally didn't heal. They will just stand there and do damage like they don't recognise what a red Cross means. Many times as reinhardt I have been low health and had moira stood next to me not healing. Good when they do though.

Ariam Lopez

I get that she can do damage. But when I've got a Zen and Moira on my team and the Moira chooses to throw an attack orb and attack the enemy tank while I'm about to die, then I get pissed and start bitching. If you're going to heal you need better situational awareness. You need to pay attention when someone's spamming I need healing because they're about to die and you're over here trying to kill the whole team. I know you need damage to heal, but if you stick with your tanks and throw the healing orb while dealing damage behind them then there should be no problem. I protect healers who stay near me and help.

Ryan Brown

Last night I outhealed our moira as mei..

Momochi Wong

I get over 10K healing every game as Moira. If someone tells me I didn't heal enough or it isn't working, I just tell em to fuck off and dodge better.

Nick Laus

Her dps kit isn't even that great.. 50 HP/s primary attack is rubbish. She is a healer, not a dps. If you want to dps as a healer go zen. I don't get why people would waste her orb on dps when it's far better at healing.

Andy Angel

I get where you're coming from guys, like a moira doing nothing but dps is the same as say a lucio only speed boosting, its just pointless, my point is that half the time i've noticed a moira player in comp getting raged at they're doing what they can to keep the team alive, you can't always just assume they're not healing you

Hannah Marie Pierce

I had someone cry because I wasn’t healing them when I was - 1. Out of my healing & 2. Threw an orb 3 seconds ago

They also ran away when I did try healing them ‍♀ not my problem at that point.

Oh bonus - they accused me of throwing because i didn’t heal them

Jerry Chrysostome

I always tell me when my bars empty so they know they aren't gonna get healed. I also often save the heal orb for those moments so they get some healing.

Tricia Stevens

This. Just this. If you don’t know how Moira plays learn to stfu

Aimée Marie Dell

I usually moira in game but last night somebody else chose to go as her so i thoughr id be back up and play mercy as i know it can be a struggle to solo heal on certain maps, i got 23000 healing as mercy i had to heal our moira more than anybody because all she wanted to do was attack i know you can get so caught up attacking as moira but she is so easily forgotten as a healer to some players and when she does heal so many people dont notice ger healing its kind of a lose lose lol

Salem Dickenballz

I usually out heal Moira as Sombra though...

Best Asura

And then the whiny dps ask to switch to Mercy lol

Ashe Lee

Until the Moira decides she likes DPS more than healing and goes behind the enemy line as a flanker. Lmao

Dylan Floyd

If you manage her right you can just about always being but people don't know how to play her and just want to use her as a dps

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