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Mercy’s Rez is so bad for the game, and I cannot wait until it is removed entirely....


Mason Barnes

Mercy’s Rez is so bad for the game, and I cannot wait until it is removed entirely.

Blizzard have said in the past that they do not want to “enforce a meta” in matchmaking. Well that is exactly what is happening with having an ULTIMATE ABILITY on a 30 second cooldown. It is far too powerful, thus Mercy has a disproportionately high pick rate because it is SO good that you have to have on it your team, otherwise you’re handicapping yourself.

As the game is right now, the more skilful players are punished rather than rewarded by low end, easy to use heroes such as Mercy (and others). For example, if I am playing Widow and kill an enemy soldier with a spicy headshot, the mercy will just float in and Rez him - I get 0 reward for my skill shot and the soldier’s bad positioning or whatever mistake he made is not punished like it should be.

I just want to also outline the hypocrisy of Blizzard with their nerf to roadhog and then pose a question to everyone. So just for context, roadhog was considered “unfun” to die to him because he could one shot people. So they heavily merged him. Ok that’s fine. I would argue that I just find it unfun dying in general but that was their excuse. But then Blizzard decides to buff characters like Orisa, junkrat, bastion and releases doomfist (cough cough one shot cough). My question to you all is this; is it fun to play against Orisa and bastion + torb + Sym? Is it fun to get one shot into a wall by doomfist? Do you feel like you were outplayed when junkrat throws two mines in you direction and presses shift? If their design philosophy doesn’t like 1 shifting and is all about fun, why are these characters the way they are?

I don’t think I need to state anymore obviously why they are hypocrites.

Blizzard needs to balance the game for the pro scene, not the casual scene, because the serious players will stick around, and the casuals, well guess what? They’ll stick around too because, THEY’RE CASUAL. They don’t care because they don’t take the game super serious. Respect the people that do take your game seriously Blizzard.

The current mercy caters to casual players, and punishes skilful plays and players most of the time. Fights are now drawn out ridiculously in some cases and the flow of how the game should feel has been interrupted. Team fights are less important when you can almost always be revived for a mistake. I can’t wait for her Rez to be removed from the game, for the health of the game, and any serious player will agree with me on everything I’ve said.

Thank you to anyone who read this post in its entirety.

Turin Farrand

i bet you think you're cool

Alice Malice

Mercy’s Rez is so bad for the game, and I cannot wait until it is removed entirely.
Blizzard have said in the past that they do not want to “enforce a meta” in matchmaking. Well that is exactly what is happening with having an ULTIMATE ABILITY on a 30 second cooldown. It is far too powerful, thus Mercy has a disproportionately high pick rate because it is SO good that you have to have on it your team, otherwise you’re handicapping yourself.
As the game is right now, the more skilful players are punished rather than rewarded by low end, easy to use heroes such as Mercy (and others). For example, if I am playing Widow and kill an enemy soldier with a spicy headshot, the mercy will just float in and Rez him - I get 0 reward for my skill shot and the soldier’s bad positioning or whatever mistake he made is not punished like it should be.
I just want to also outline the hypocrisy of Blizzard with their nerf to roadhog and then pose a question to everyone. So just for context, roadhog was considered “unfun” to die to him because he could one shot people. So they heavily merged him. Ok that’s fine. I would argue that I just find it unfun dying in general but that was their excuse. But then Blizzard decides to buff characters like Orisa, junkrat, bastion and releases doomfist (cough cough one shot cough). My question to you all is this; is it fun to play against Orisa and bastion + torb + Sym? Is it fun to get one shot into a wall by doomfist? Do you feel like you were outplayed when junkrat throws two mines in you direction and presses shift? If their design philosophy doesn’t like 1 shifting and is all about fun, why are these characters the way they are?
I don’t think I need to state anymore obviously why they are hypocrites.
Blizzard needs to balance the game for the pro scene, not the casual scene, because the serious players will stick around, and the casuals, well guess what? They’ll stick around too because, THEY’RE CASUAL. They don’t care because they don’t take the game super serious. Respect the people that do take your game seriously Blizzard.
The current mercy caters to casual players, and punishes skilful plays and players most of the time. Fights are now drawn out ridiculously in some cases and the flow of how the game should feel has been interrupted. Team fights are less important when you can almost always be revived for a mistake. I can’t wait for her Rez to be removed from the game, for the health of the game, and any serious player will agree with me on everything I’ve said.
Thank you to anyone who read this post in its entirety.

Jonathan Cuevas

They do not want to enforce a meta?

Tell that to the bunch of times they enforced a meta that people hated.

Séamus Corbett

Mercy’s Rez is so bad for the game, and I cannot wait until it is removed entirely.
Blizzard have said in the past that they do not want to “enforce a meta” in matchmaking. Well that is exactly what is happening with having an ULTIMATE ABILITY on a 30 second cooldown. It is far too powerful, thus Mercy has a disproportionately high pick rate because it is SO good that you have to have on it your team, otherwise you’re handicapping yourself.
As the game is right now, the more skilful players are punished rather than rewarded by low end, easy to use heroes such as Mercy (and others). For example, if I am playing Widow and kill an enemy soldier with a spicy headshot, the mercy will just float in and Rez him - I get 0 reward for my skill shot and the soldier’s bad positioning or whatever mistake he made is not punished like it should be.
I just want to also outline the hypocrisy of Blizzard with their nerf to roadhog and then pose a question to everyone. So just for context, roadhog was considered “unfun” to die to him because he could one shot people. So they heavily merged him. Ok that’s fine. I would argue that I just find it unfun dying in general but that was their excuse. But then Blizzard decides to buff characters like Orisa, junkrat, bastion and releases doomfist (cough cough one shot cough). My question to you all is this; is it fun to play against Orisa and bastion + torb + Sym? Is it fun to get one shot into a wall by doomfist? Do you feel like you were outplayed when junkrat throws two mines in you direction and presses shift? If their design philosophy doesn’t like 1 shifting and is all about fun, why are these characters the way they are?
I don’t think I need to state anymore obviously why they are hypocrites.
Blizzard needs to balance the game for the pro scene, not the casual scene, because the serious players will stick around, and the casuals, well guess what? They’ll stick around too because, THEY’RE CASUAL. They don’t care because they don’t take the game super serious. Respect the people that do take your game seriously Blizzard.
The current mercy caters to casual players, and punishes skilful plays and players most of the time. Fights are now drawn out ridiculously in some cases and the flow of how the game should feel has been interrupted. Team fights are less important when you can almost always be revived for a mistake. I can’t wait for her Rez to be removed from the game, for the health of the game, and any serious player will agree with me on everything I’ve said.
Thank you to anyone who read this post in its entirety.

MacKenzie Rae

I mean, I see where you're coming from, but why make it a part of her lore then? And why did it take a year plus to figure out it didn't work.

Jacob Bedillion

ArE yOu DiSaBlEd? What do you want her to have instead of rez?

Dylan Becker


Michael Morris

Mercy’s Rez is so bad for the game, and I cannot wait until it is removed entirely.

Blizzard have said in the past that they do not want to “enforce a meta” in matchmaking. Well that is exactly what is happening with having an ULTIMATE ABILITY on a 30 second cooldown. It is far too powerful, thus Mercy has a disproportionately high pick rate because it is SO good that you have to have on it your team, otherwise you’re handicapping yourself.

As the game is right now, the more skilful players are punished rather than rewarded by low end, easy to use heroes such as Mercy (and others). For example, if I am playing Widow and kill an enemy soldier with a spicy headshot, the mercy will just float in and Rez him - I get 0 reward for my skill shot and the soldier’s bad positioning or whatever mistake he made is not punished like it should be.

I just want to also outline the hypocrisy of Blizzard with their nerf to roadhog and then pose a question to everyone. So just for context, roadhog was considered “unfun” to die to him because he could one shot people. So they heavily merged him. Ok that’s fine. I would argue that I just find it unfun dying in general but that was their excuse. But then Blizzard decides to buff characters like Orisa, junkrat, bastion and releases doomfist (cough cough one shot cough). My question to you all is this; is it fun to play against Orisa and bastion + torb + Sym? Is it fun to get one shot into a wall by doomfist? Do you feel like you were outplayed when junkrat throws two mines in you direction and presses shift? If their design philosophy doesn’t like 1 shifting and is all about fun, why are these characters the way they are?

I don’t think I need to state anymore obviously why they are hypocrites.

Blizzard needs to balance the game for the pro scene, not the casual scene, because the serious players will stick around, and the casuals, well guess what? They’ll stick around too because, THEY’RE CASUAL. They don’t care because they don’t take the game super serious. Respect the people that do take your game seriously Blizzard.

The current mercy caters to casual players, and punishes skilful plays and players most of the time. Fights are now drawn out ridiculously in some cases and the flow of how the game should feel has been interrupted. Team fights are less important when you can almost always be revived for a mistake. I can’t wait for her Rez to be removed from the game, for the health of the game, and any serious player will agree with me on everything I’ve said.

Thank you to anyone who read this post in its entirety.

MacKenzie Rae

Side note. Who are you to decide who qualifies as a "skilled" player versus a "casual" player. Maybe you just take the game too seriously, as it is, you know, a game? Why cater to the pros who make up less than 10% of the overall player base?

Shaun Laudenslager

If you're just going to copy +paste at least be imaginative about it. Take all the spaces out or something.

Krystal Stephens

Mercy’s Rez is so bad for the game, and I cannot wait until it is removed entirely.

Blizzard have said in the past that they do not want to “enforce a meta” in matchmaking. Well that is exactly what is happening with having an ULTIMATE ABILITY on a 30 second cooldown. It is far too powerful, thus Mercy has a disproportionately high pick rate because it is SO good that you have to have on it your team, otherwise you’re handicapping yourself.

As the game is right now, the more skilful players are punished rather than rewarded by low end, easy to use heroes such as Mercy (and others). For example, if I am playing Widow and kill an enemy soldier with a spicy headshot, the mercy will just float in and Rez him - I get 0 reward for my skill shot and the soldier’s bad positioning or whatever mistake he made is not punished like it should be.

I just want to also outline the hypocrisy of Blizzard with their nerf to roadhog and then pose a question to everyone. So just for context, roadhog was considered “unfun” to die to him because he could one shot people. So they heavily merged him. Ok that’s fine. I would argue that I just find it unfun dying in general but that was their excuse. But then Blizzard decides to buff characters like Orisa, junkrat, bastion and releases doomfist (cough cough one shot cough). My question to you all is this; is it fun to play against Orisa and bastion + torb + Sym? Is it fun to get one shot into a wall by doomfist? Do you feel like you were outplayed when junkrat throws two mines in you direction and presses shift? If their design philosophy doesn’t like 1 shifting and is all about fun, why are these characters the way they are?

I don’t think I need to state anymore obviously why they are hypocrites.

Blizzard needs to balance the game for the pro scene, not the casual scene, because the serious players will stick around, and the casuals, well guess what? They’ll stick around too because, THEY’RE CASUAL. They don’t care because they don’t take the game super serious. Respect the people that do take your game seriously Blizzard.

The current mercy caters to casual players, and punishes skilful plays and players most of the time. Fights are now drawn out ridiculously in some cases and the flow of how the game should feel has been interrupted. Team fights are less important when you can almost always be revived for a mistake. I can’t wait for her Rez to be removed from the game, for the health of the game, and any serious player will agree with me on everything I’ve said.

Thank you to anyone who read this post in its entirety.

Connor Fallis

>it's an ultimate ability on a 30 sec cool down
>Shit I didn't realise I could rez 4-5 people with it and wait 30 secs.

Mason Barnes

I’m not really understanding why people are copy pasting the post? I mean I do get that you’re trying to undermine what I’m saying, but you could at least TRY to hide your lack of intellectual nuance, and come up with a rebuttal. But I know you guys probably didn’t even understand so I won’t bother lmao

Dan Sankara

Target the mercy then

Dylan Zelda Boy Jensen

Stopped reading when you compared Tank abilities to DPS abilities like they're the same class

Ryan Haskins

Found the bronze

Leslie Bloodletter

This is why instead of a nerf or removal. We add something to the other healers. Such as Zenyattas ultimate being able to give orbs to players after the fact. 3 that negate and 3 which heal for 12 seconds or something. Instead of going negative why don't we make a better creation for our selves? Why are so many people like mad lil kids and angry parents? You really think if you take away something from a determined person they won't find another way? Why even bother, you might as well come up with ability's that can at least match what you hate.

Sergio Villa García

I dont want to admit that you have a point
Mercy used to be retarded easy, just wait and rez
Now it needs a bit more thinking when to rez, but its still too much and not having it IS a handicap

Courtney Antonov

bad example if your a widow and you just killed someone who gets rezed you have a 2 second window before they can move while rezzing where you just kill them again.

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