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Xbox One Me and my tribe is still looking for the server to call home, we would like pve...


Bradley George

Me and my tribe is still looking for the server to call home, we would like pve weekdays pvp weekends, post below, tribe of 7,

Zach Campbell


Don Viator

—OG gamers 4 server cluster—
Starting the 2nd month of our 4 map cluster with around 15-20 tribes playing here daily. It’s a slightly boosted PVP cluster with ORP turned on during the week and turned Off for the weekends. Same owner and admin on all 4 maps. Only time admin will be involved is upon request from the community to deal with any technical problems or handle any unfair abuse of the settings or glitches.
5x taming, xp and harvesting
2x player stats per level
3x player and tamed Dino weight per level
10x baby maturation
3x crop growth
3x loot quality
3.5x fishing loot quality
No timers on player,item or Dino transfers.
Most all other settings are close to official. Can message me for any other details. Search under unofficial pc sessions
OG GAMERS-Ragnarok 24/7 PVP Slightly Boosted
OG GAMERS-The Island 24/7 PVP Slightly Boosted
OG GAMERS-The Center 24/7 PVP Slightly Boosted
OG GAMERS-Scorched 24/7 PVP Slightly Boosted

Adam Burton

The Phoenix PvP cluster is a freshly wiped server on day 1. We are super boosted so you can get built up fast and get ready for ultimate wars. We are clusterd with Ragnarok and the island. We have few rules but rules you must follow in order for us to have fun and exciting servers.

#1- no Foundation wipeing, there is no reason for it other than being a dick. If you're gong to raid, get in and get what you need and get out. If you wipe their entire base we will put bounties out on your tribe with very lucrative incentives.

#2-no passive tame killing. If they are not attacking you leave them alone. If you do it, the first time I will kill all your tames without hesitation. The second time you will be booted from the server

#3- if a base has white flags it's a pve base!! Do not raid them. If you do I will take all your stuff and give it to the pve tribe you wiped. That being said if you have white flags on your base and you go out raiding, us admins will spawn in manticores at your base and watch you burn.

We will be giving out starters which will include a Griffin and tools. There will be nothing else given out, the server is boosted enough to where you can have a full metal base within a day or two.

We will be having events and boss fights on a weekly basis. Grenade dodgeball, dartball, boxing, jousting, also once a week a bounty will be out on 1 of 4 admins if you Capture them or kill them you will have your choice of tame. Also starting next week we will be having weekly raffles for prizes and tames.

So join the Phoenix PvP cluster today and get ready to have fun with some really chill people.

Jay Baldwin

Yo mate here try this server out. We're all good and friendly with a mix of PvP and fun. All scheduled raiding an very respectful. If your interested lemme know and I'll getcha in there. Just lemme know

Xavier Kirkland-Bates

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your all welcome

Xavier Kirkland-Bates

Dark Side of Ark Life is a 24/7 Nitrado server UK based (brand new to public, completely fresh map), with admins crossing two time zones to help players! We are a PVPVE server, PVP being Friday at 2:00PM CT to Monday 2:00PM CT, and PVE being from Monday at 2:00PM CT to Friday at 2:00PM CT.

Some of our stats are as followed: harvest 15x, weight 10x, taming 40x, xp multiplier 15x, mating 0.5x, egg hatch 50x, maturation 40x, and resource respawn is at 0.5x.

We also have flyer speed increased fuel, fuel consumption reduced, ALL TEK unlocked so you only need to do boss fights for the element And aberration dinos natually spawn and soon we will have custom drops with aberatiom materials and much more.

Our Community Center has multiple crafting stations, indy forges, along with a hatching area for your use at any time. We have a maze set up for events, changing weekly, boxing arena, and much more to come. Multiple admins means multiple events, drop parties, and someone always there to answer questions!

We will be selling boss packs, kibble packs.

Let us give you a place to play and not worry about the "ban hammer" as we won't ban you ever we will just hit you back like you hit us.

Starter packs are available, just post in the chat or in the group - and we will help you out as soon as possible!

Request to join our Facebook, Dark Side of Ark Life, and start towards being Alpha on our server!

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Blake Perez

Search "thirst" in unofficial pc sessions. Pvp cluster with rag, island, and aberration. Weekend structure damage. No orp. Xp x4, gath x5, taming x6, inc x25, mature x8, tribe limit 10, tame limit 350, turret limit 400, max player lvl 150. Unlimited mindwipes enabled. Boosted weight and stam.

Everyone is getting ready for our Valentine's Day breeding event!

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Pm me if interested in a pve with admin ran PvP events. Awesome server and admins always helping and is fun.

Richard Te Naera Marsters

Join Bruising Ark Cluster with Island (100% PvP), Rag (PVP ORP) AND Aberration (PVE). Boosted but nothing crazy and no starters as the servers boosted enough so you won't need one. Friendly tribes and PVE Admin who helps with taming nd gathering. Engrams have been increased to give you 40% more than normal. Join us on Facebook at Bruising Ark.Harvest x20
Taming x20
Egg hatch x14
Xp x4
Maturation x20
Imprint boost x3
Turret damage x2 vs dinos
Player health x2
Player Weight x150
Dino weight x300

We arent pve weekends but ORP is still good enough huh ☺

Chad Workman

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Admin logging is enabled and working

Structure damage is going up on week days and normal on weekends soon.

Anthony Shipman

Arkzilla00 24/7 pvp on rag pretty fresh server. Boosted With events on Xbox

Ricky McDonald

Right here!!! Check us out!


We keep it bloody in the WZ,we want your tribe big,well defended and agressive! We host daily events and allow you to choose your prizes so as to provide you what you need to be competitive

We put an emphasis on organized and scheduled PvP so you can expect to enjoy all your hard work.Offline raid protection through the week, We remove O.R.P. for the "bloody weekend"

4 servers in the cluster with plenty of places to build!
Server names:
WAR ZONE ISL (The Island)

FEATURING:Daily Events
Indoor PvP arena
Outdoor PvP arena
Death Maze
Naval warfare arena
Fishing Dock
Server store & currency
THIS is an adult 18+ community with a zero tolerance policy on whining
Password protected so no random trolls
Lots of tribes recruiting in server

There are not many rules in the WZ,but the community has a unique way of dealing with folks who demonstrate a lack of class and or sportsmanship.pick on small tribes and fresh spawns you expect to be hunted to extinction.

Don't get me wrong,We have some extremely talented PVP players in server and most of us are downright bloodthirsty savages,I'm simply saying you will have the chance to build up and we all believe in online PVP.

You can expect to be REWARDED HEAVILY for being a loyal WZ player or recruiting new players and tribemembers.

WZ will NOT CHANGE OR WIPE.The servers are prepaid and will not shut down prematurely

For admission and more details check out our FB community.


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In closing.....That's what I'm offering,a community! This is more than just a cluster of servers,we are attempting to break the mold of ark's "salty pvp" and give folks a chance to have fun for an extended period of time. JOIN US!

Scott Scooter Duff

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Marc Pearson Mdf


Dallas Todd

hosting a massive raid on my nitrado server the whole server vs admins when you get in the loot is handed out to everyone involved and new people are welcomed to join in aswell as we will be building the fob for the attackers as well good luck
Rag , island and Aberration
this is a pvp server so I do not want millions of messages if you get raided.
Gather Rate 20x
Breeding 50x
Instant gaming 100x
Almost instant max lvl
Weight infinite
Oxygen is 200 per lvl
Fortitude boosted
Dino max lvl 300
Player lvl 150
The map is Rag 32 slots
Aberration is 20 slots
Loot and fishing multiplier 3x
We do events. Capture the dodo, picking battles, who can paint the best, battle arena, dino vs dino battles and, free for all arena
Admin is only for events and running the store will have prices ASAP
Join the Facebook group
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not pve weekdays but orp and evermap but island

Carlos Medina

Just wiped all servers. Afew days ago.starters will be given message on xbox1 Hello i'm running a 24/7 PVP BRAND NEW 4 cluster server which is Ragnarok, Aberration, Center, and The Island through Nitrado. All stats and rules are below. If you have any questions at all feel free to message my main account: TwoStomachKoopa or my brothers account: Vz x Damage

To join click Join Ark in the menu then at the bottom where is says session filter select Unofficial PC Sessions then search the server which is Compton Smash Bros Aberration or if you wish join the Center server search Compton Smash Bros Center or Compton Smash Brosrag to join the Rag server then select the map as all and change it from pve to pvp and will say [US] Compton Smash Bros

20 Slots for right now will be raising it as soon as more people join

Events almost every Sunday with huge rewards! There is an Ark store that sells various items and dinos as well as other services such as dino painting and skins. Currency will be hair so start saving up! You also win hair from events :)

There will be a 1200 hair payday every Sunday 1 per tribe. I will only be giving it out that day, so make sure you're on

I also placed 10 chests around the map containing good loot! if you find one let me know and i'll cross it off the list. Please let me know before you open it.

No Data Downloads

Boosted Stats:
XP: x15

Tame Speed: x15

Harvest Amount : x15

Harvest Health: 2.50x

Harvest Respawn Period: 0.7x

Floating Damage Text: On

Crosshair: On

Boosted Player Stats:
Stamina: 2.4x

Food: 3x

Water: 3x

Weight: 20x

Fortitude: 5x

Boosted Dino Stats:
Weight: 30x

Stamina: 2.5x

Speed: 2.05x

Boosted Breeding Stats:
Mating Interval: 1x

Egg Hatch Speed: 50x

Baby Mature Speed: 35x

Baby Food Consumption Speed: 0.5x

1. No raiding any admins. Admins also cannot raid anyone

2. No flyers on Aberration (I Allow ONLY 1 Quetzal per tribe no war Quetzal only use for farming)

3. No Trolling/Griefing anyone.

4. No wiping allowed, no reason to destroy all their structures and kill all dinos.

5. No bullying new players

6. No killing dinos on passive unless they are carnivores

Breaking any of these rules will get you banned

If you see anyone breaking any of the rules please record it and message me EVEN IF IT'S AN ADMIN OR MODERATOR. i will not side with them.

Brandon Perryman

Welcome To Pantheon Cluster!!!!

Only a few rules no using undermapping/glitch
Spots to raid any tribes caught doing this will be wiped and ban. No structure damage during the week with purge weekends starting every friday night. Although offline raiding is not against the rules we would prefer tribes to call each other out in fb group so people can have a chance to defend what they have put their time into if you do offline raid do not complain when you get the same treatment. There will be no admin interaction besides events and dino wipes. NO PVP DURING ADMIN HOSTED EVENTS!! The tribe that violate will be dealt with however is seen fit for what they do so just dont be dicks guys lol any events will be posted a few days ahead of time so everyone has a chance to participate. Lets refrain from constant trolling which means dont be out sniping tames just to get your rocks off be as mature as you are capable of being. Other than that thanks for joing the cluster and ark on!!!!!

Pantheon Poseidon=Rag
Pantheon Hades=Abb
Pantheon Zeus=Center
Pantheon Ares=Island

Chad Workman

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Admin logging is enabled AND WORKING

Justin Hartman

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