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PS4 Looking for dutch speaking players from Belgium or the Netherlands. We are looking...


Chris Van Assche

Looking for dutch speaking players from Belgium or the Netherlands.

We are looking for up to 5 players to join a PC hosted dedicated server. (When more people wants to join we might increase slots)

Map The Island (We might get a second cluster server hosting SE or Ragnarok. Not shure yet)
Slightly boosted numbers. Nothing extreme.
Harvesting 2.0
Taming 3.0
Some player and dino stats are increased.
And breeding anny dino never takes longer then 24 hours.

We are a community that play casual. Cause of work we cannot play countless hours each day.

It should be a PVP server with offline raiding prevention. But some rules WC put in is making us debate this.
So it might become a PVE server with wardays.

We are looking for descent players. You dont need skills. But we want players that are mature and not trolling around.
Beginning players are also welcome.

You will be on youre own or with youre friends. We already have our tribe and Aliances set.

If youre interested or have more questions pm me or reply here.

Only dutch speaking persons. I post this in English because of the group rules.

Jurri Engelen

Deze heeft wel intresse

Jurri Engelen

Steve Van Tongerloo Chris Claes

Steve Van Tongerloo

PS 4 lbnstevewonderbo men profiel pm

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