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PC Looking for a PvE clan. No interested in joining if you feel that cheesing end game...


Christopher Jarvis

Looking for a PvE clan. No interested in joining if you feel that cheesing end game content considers you to be a raider by any means.

305 Stormcaller.

BTag: FabledMyth#11275

Tim To

Dread Nova Gaming Recruiting Active Players! We are all casual Friendly and Helpful players Still new but got some exp raiding and such lets learn together? Check us out

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We Also Have A Discord! Feel Free To Hop In And Chit Chat!

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Perry Armstrong

More raid clears then can count and never abused any glitches or cheeses. Always looking for more peeps to add to my roster

Luc-Eric Proulx

North America,
Max Level,
Require To use D2 App,
Join our voice chat!

Be active and join us out !
Looking for core Raid players!

Check out our #Destiny2 clan!
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