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PC Looking for a clan, I used to game on PS4 and now I’m on pc, 260* hunter. EU server!


Moataz Odeh

Looking for a clan, I used to game on PS4 and now I’m on pc, 260* hunter. EU server!

Sheila D Snead

You can stay in the ps4 clan and it transfers across for clan rewards, as long as you have your battlenet and ps4 accounts linked in the bungie site.

Sheila D Snead

BUT..... If your looking to play on pc with clan members then it might be a good idea to switch. But if your new to pc, I would hold off until you find the right clan to switch to. Maybe try running a few raids with some potentials and see if its a good fit. That way your not missing out on possible clan perks while you look.

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