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PS4 Looking for a boosted pvp with a starter pack, i would like a phoenix. Ill be...


Jeremy Windham

Looking for a boosted pvp with a starter pack, i would like a phoenix. Ill be extremely active if all criteria is met..

Ark Lark

Tired of losing your dinos on official and Wildcard doesnt do a thing about it? Spending countless days raising a dinosaur only for it to glitch permanently into a rock? Too many private servers with abusive admins..are you looking for one that only has 1 admin/owner?
Well, things are about to change..Try out


!Recently got rid of toxic people!

Izlude 24/7

Prontera 24/7

Izlude 24/7 100%German is an imposter! Do not join that server.


Nitrado Good Ping

Ragnarok Server


-XP 2x

-Tame 3x

-Harvest 3x

-Egg Hatch 3x

-Baby Mature 5x

-Dino levels and stats like official

-Player weight slightly boosted

-Event/Purge/Advertizement Currency!

-Currency List

-Replicator accepts event currency for elemental!

-Tribe Imprinting

-MVP System

-Bounty System

-Custom Raids

-Ascendant Dinosaurs

-Events every weekend!

-Starter Packs but must build a base and storage within in order to not get mugged.

-Fun events held and prizes are amazing!

-Tournaments and gambling

-Flyers recover stamina when idle

-PvPvE Whiteflag for newcomers 3 weeks! Must send owner name of tribe and picture of white flagged structures to activate PVE. Dinos,Players and Structures are safe within base radius!

-Boosted Weekends for raid recovery!

-Purging every weekend with currency to buy weapons, items, and dinosaurs.

-Purge Weekend custom drops

-Custom Quests with amazing rewards!

-Admin is not allowed to build anywhere

-Build anywhere just dont block spawns.

-Slots will increase as server fills up, will open Arberration when its out.

For more information Facebook LIKE

Izlude 24/7

Or PSN add Izlude_Server

and last but not least...Just PM me ^_^

Jeremy Windham

Ark Lark can i have a phoenix?

Tony Burb

❌Nitrado pc hosted server for PS4❌

Lets make this short since everyone has a paragraph advertisement. We have a...
Small boosted
Roman-ish theme
Currency based
Friendly but PvP
Primitive plus
Month old server (much more to offer and not going anywhere)
Every player has the opportunity to get to the stage where they could have a say in law and stat changes
This server is not easy, most give up within the first week. Do you think you have what it takes? If interested click the link below and learn more about the server and how to join.

Ps I am not admin. Any questions msg the page (link) he replies within the hour. And yes I know its not short, its part of the joke lol.

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Erwin Feldgreber

People throwing up there servers knowing they don't give out pheonix lol

Brian Paquette

Pretty much nobody is going to give an end game bird for a starter pack. Be realistic here. Plenty of good servers out there. Dont miss out on a good 1 over a phoenix which aren't really that great. J/s.

Kevin Smith

Search for isla sorna great admin and events and great all round community come join us

Allen Lawson

Does a starter pack come with vagina wipes ? Asking for a friend.

Jennifer Graham

You can buy a Phoenix with 150k metal or black pearls but I am not going to give you one lol.

Dylan Nico Scott

Fuck that Jennifer Phoenix and unicorn are one per map for a reason UNIQUE go out hunt it and tame it not sell and with your server being 50x I most certainly wouldn't be asking only 150k ingots for one I get 14k per metal run and my server is set at 5x

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