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PC Just curious, this group contains individuals that play the game and need help with....

  • Thread starter Tam C. Nguyễn
  • Start date

Tam C. Nguyễn

Just curious, this group contains individuals that play the game and need help with. As you don't play the game anymore you leave the group and move on to next game right? Then idk why the hell people that say "game sucks, it's boring af, no one plays anymore, it's broken, it's bad, it's a joke" still stay in this group and probably still play the game they don't enjoy. I'm just curious why you torture yourself to stay in a group of a game you don't want to play anymore.

Jessen Armstrong

Because people love the franchise? Most people show anger because they're upset the game isn't doing well and there's a lack of things to do hence we can't play it as much as we want, so causes the population to fall and because of that you can't even do end game content. Pretty sure I summed up what most people think.

Kiyoko Mori

Because misery loves company and they want people to be bitter with them, or to validate their feelings.

Daniel Grewen Grewdahl

I'm still playing the game and with the Nightfall update it's really fun .... can't wait for the loot update on the 27th of March

Elijah Graham

Im honestly just here to troll.

Fang Vang


Jeremiah Jackson


Rubens D. Garcia

I think most of us are just holding out for Year 2 to Make Destiny 2 Great Again (MD2GA hats coming September yall) but right now they're just expressing their disdain for the course of things as they currently stand.

Gabriel Sen

Lecture time ok destiny 2 we want to play it but don't cause it's shit and it's why because they scraped all we love about d1 so we stay in the group waiting for bungle to add content bit that's not gonna happen a without anthor pay wall and because of that we are all mad and miss destiny 1 we are all just mad at the company that the 10 year game which ow what they claimed d1 would be is made irrelevant after 3 and a bit years after all the time and money we put into it and it was by far a better game d2 will never grant me the fun i had doing vog aksis kingsfall even crota buggy arse was fun calus just is not dose not offer any boss interaction and it's the same shit over and over.

Furkan Reisoğlu

there are a lot to be said on the subject. There are hardcore fans who lie to themselves that this games PERFECT, there are people who hate the game to an extent that they hate ppl who play it too. but most of the people are in the middle thinking this could've been a great game or wish for it to be saved and what they do is basicly try to make a change if more people buy the game bungie will make money no matter what and companies these days care more about money. you can watch a lot of videos about d2. to be honest with u they are all right if u played d1 you would know that d2 could only be an expansion not a standalone game. It's not even in the level of d1 when it came out and ppl were rightly complaining about d1 at the time. soo little content and now they made it accessible to everyone nothing is important everything is easy to get and it's not right for a looter shooter game. loot does not excite u. man I really don't care when I get an exotic it's shit. sad thing is I had every exotic in game in 3 weeks it's also not a meaningful grind. I really want to play the game but there is literally nothing that forces me to play it cuz I have every weapon masterwork 3 sets of masterwork armor for each of my characters and total of 6 extra sets of each of my characters my bank slots are full. got flawless trials gear ornaments prestige raid gear and every ornament there is even tho I don't use them. long story short people are just saad everyone is sad only blind supporters or casuals who play the game a little and leave are the ones ok with the game. the real ppl who loved destiny 1 supported the name for years are the ones who are getting f****d in the arse.

I really want to play the game but I can't cuz I've done everything there is and there is no reason to play anymore thats why ppl complain and are still here. good visuals and boring gameplay does not excite ppl.

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