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junkrat, bastion, tracer, 76, and Moira/Mercy as I play Roadhog and Reinhardt so y'all...


Kavon Samuels

junkrat, bastion, tracer, 76, and Moira/Mercy as I play Roadhog and Reinhardt so y'all can do your thing I proceed to have 65 eliminations, 17,654 damage done, 8,785 healing, over 5 minutes on the objective, 34 objective kills and when switching to Rein to help us out blocked over 20k damage all in one game all gold in the categories while you all argue who is doing the most work and dying I only died 8 times which is a miracle but we lost and I was just wondering if your the greatest as you think at getting eliminations why is this a everyone occurrence I out healed two Healers it damaged 4 of the most damage dealing characters in the game yet your blaming me and being toxic shot out to those DPS who view themselves as the greatest your the G.O.A.Ts

Lucas Conrad

didnt you learn in school that people lose interest after 2 sentences with so many numbers in it?

Kavon Samuels

Nobody said you had to read it I was just saying in two games in comp last night I found it crazy that my team had tracer, Junkrat, 76, and bastion but I played Hog and Reinhardt I out damaged them and out healed our Moira then she switch to mercy and still didn't it heal me after I switched

Ariel Arturo Acosta Lopez


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