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I've always been pretty bad at the whole twitch shooting thing, But I love sombra and...


Owen Harcombe

I've always been pretty bad at the whole twitch shooting thing, But I love sombra and the idea behind her, I usually keep the two closest or two most important health packs hacked, And I tend to target either rien, Risa, Mercy, Tracer or genji over all others to be hacked player wise, Other then that does anyone have tips for sombra?

Yuexiang Dai

Hack tracer and genji, then let them suffer

Sam Walker

You can EMP through the payload but not walls. It also gets health packs, Lucio Ult, Symm +75 shields, turrets and Zarya bubbles (but she gets charge) and hacks through them. EMP Rein's body when shielding to break it, and the little generator of Winston bubbles. Use EMP in Symm death rooms to reduce ultimates to 50HP and disable turrets. Torb turrets keep firing at the first target they see until it loses LoS/kills so you can walk right up to them and hack them if your Rein is shielding, for example, during Molten Core.

Cameron Woods

use a good skin... XD jk

To be truthful though dont use a skin that makes you super shiny as it makes you a target even when not using abilities.

Also when you shoot from anything farther than 1 metre away do burst shots to perfectly get all the bullets on your target unless they are a big target and are not hard to hit.

Hack only small healthpacks as it allows anyone to grab basicly a second big hp pack.

Hack the ones that are being the most beneficial to the enemy team using abilities. if they are beneficial just by shooting (like junkrat, mei or Widowmaker) then ignore them, but if its lets say Reinhart, Zenyatta or Doomfist then make them your first target as they need their abilities to be important to the team composition.

Asides from that use the teleportation mine to jump to healthpacks or teamates that have someone on the run. turn invisible only to go behind the enemy Ability Characters and take down the most important and game changer ones. after that hunt down the second most important character in the group and kill them so they cant help their team survive what you did to the most important, leaving the teams entire defence or attack so open that you can take the game on a run to victory. but try not to be to predictable with gameplay or they will follow your pattern after a while and ruin the game for you.

Aidan Willis

50 hours on sombra.
Get good with the translocatior

Scott Geason

Be careful using teleport when there is a junkrat on the opposing team. A well placed trap and mine and you are toast as you teleport to what you think is safety.

Tom Helps

Focus on hacking all tanks. but your team needs to focus them as soon as you do. Genji is still pretty strong while hacked cos he can double jump away while firing like normal. Tracer is pretty easy to kill. Try to emp when rein has his sheild up. That way it will break and be taken down at the same time. Emp will also make Zen have 50 health so he basically dead XD

Scott Geason

Try to time EMP with other ults, so that all shields are broken when the ult goes off. A Rein knows his shield will block Dva’s nuke and others will hide behind the shield. If you EMP then, you could get a quin or team kill. But don’t use EMP before the nuke goes off or they may have time to run behind something else. Do it as it is about to explode so it is a complete surprise and they have no where to run [insert evil laughter]

Mihnea Gogu

watch codey

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