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Is it normal for an fx6300 to idle at 10-15c and only 30+c in full load over clocked...


Cory VanSumeren

Is it normal for an fx6300 to idle at 10-15c and only 30+c in full load over clocked to 4.0ghz on stock cooler? If i shine a lazer temp gun at the base of the heat sink its about 70-80 F so that means my pc doesnt go over much over room temp.

I know i have good air flow as my gpu never sees over 50c and idles at 18c but 30c under full load doesnt seem right for being over clocked for the cpu.

Ethan Casper

Heck I wouldn’t complain. If it’s running fine then hour air flow must just be god tier.

Erik Uccello

What're your ambient Temps and are you on air or water?

Cory VanSumeren


Ville-Waltteri Herrala

What is your room temp? An air cooled component can't be below room temp. Those are suspiciously low temps IMHO.

Cory VanSumeren

My room doesnt have a heater vent so most of the time 66F or so

Ville-Waltteri Herrala

That's about 18C. Which means your components can't realistically be 15C on air. The way air cooling works, that would mean the cooling would cause your CPU to rise in temperature... the ambient temp of the room is pretty much the practical minimum temp you can reach on air cooling...

Cory VanSumeren

I read online just recently that the fx series is inaccurate at idle or something with temp. I dont know if thats true though.

Ville-Waltteri Herrala

It depends on the batch of CPUs. I still maintain that reaching a lower temp than the ambient room temp on air cooling is a physical impossibility... The only way you can reach a cooler temp than the ambient room temp itself is by using a medium of cooling that has a lower temp than the ambient (nitrogen or helium solutions for example). Some 4000 and 6000 series FXs have essentially no grasp on tracking their own temps. Pretty much only FXs with reliable temp diodes are the 8350s and 8370s of the last few batches ever produced. The ones that ship with Wraith coolers. It's more than likely that your CPU has a faulty temperature diode. If you have a decent quality mobo it may have a good enough CPU temp diode, to give a rough estimate of the actual temps of the chip, but the only way to gen an accurate temp would be with an internal diode on the CPU die itself. My old 8350 was pretty much on spot with the ambient room temp and I spent more on cooling than the CPU itself...

Ville-Waltteri Herrala

Of course it's always possible that there's a problem with the temp algorithm and the CPU calculates its temperature 20 or 30 C below what it actually is. But rest assured, I can promise you no FX-chip on air has an idle temp of 10-15C... That is just not possible by any air cooling solution or case airflow.

Cory VanSumeren

Ok. I had an x955 in this case exact same setup but it was hitting 80c overclocked.

But my gpu seems accurate its a 970 ftw+ with better cooling so im guessing my cpu is just a little of on temp.

Like i said though when my cpu is around 30c my temp gun says the base of the heat sink right by the socket is around 80F.

Ville-Waltteri Herrala

More than likely your 970 has way better temp diodes on die. I'd check that temp gun's calibration if I were you. Something doesn't really add up here, unless you live in an actual igloo that is...

David Quinn

Thats a good temp and if your case has good air flow this just proves it that much more

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