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Xbox One I'm looking for a PvE server(or the option to be.) with high weight and high breeding...


Sydney Honaker

I'm looking for a PvE server(or the option to be.) with high weight and high breeding at least. Any map but preferably Aberration.

June Koo

24/7 RAGNAROK pvpve server!! Not new but plenty of building spots left! Fairly boosted but not crazy. Im looking for chill people to populate my not so aggressive server. Im seeking long term players that are going to be good for running a fun and healthy server (no trolls). Dont join with a macho ego that youre just going to wipe everyone as we are a friendly community. I want a mature environment with no trolly kids (most trolls are kids).

Server is hosted by 3 veteran admins that aren't new at running a server. Admins don't get in tribe politics or fight for anyone. Occasional dino colors, hidden red drops, and "find my Phoenix" events are happening now! Building admin raid bases to sate the need to raid for some of you. to More admin events will happen as server grows!

Taming is 15x

Gath is 15x with 3x resource health to combat mass harvest lag.

Xp is 4x

Hatch/maturation is 50x

No starters for it is boosted enough you dont need one.

Message host for any questions or concerns. If you have any suggestions for events they are welcome!!

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Dan Collins

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Orrin Houghton


Chris Taylor

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Ostkneo aber boosted. Instant taming breeding. X10xp and pickup. Custom dino and player levels and adjustments. Extra ep to allow 100% engram unlocks and engrams moved around to allow faster unlocks. Clustered to ragnarok and center

Casey Nicholas Williams

Hi Sydney,

I’m not sure what you consider high, but I would consider our stats high.

Nitrado hosted PvPvE (structure damage off. This means raiding literally cannot happen) ADULT (18+) community/server cluster with low boosted stats. 4x gather, 6x taming, 10x mature, 15x hatching.

Max wild dino level 420, wyverns 530+
The Island, Ragnarok, The Center, and Aberration cluster.

If you want to directly join, please come to our Facebook group to get sorted. Otherwise, feel free to comment and I’ll answer any questions.

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Tristin Huggins

Check out phantom ark server on facebook it's got a pretty good cluster of PvE servers

Ryan Matthew

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Ryan Matthew

ArkConvicted is a amazing server. Very friendly and amazing community, admins are super amazing and very helpful.

Haim Azulay

Arks United|Cluster|PvpPve|AllMaps

Jenine Galvan

join fb pg: wicked nitrado server

Matt Hagerman

Have one if you wanna talk again. o.e

Thomas Barfield

Looking for a new server to enjoy, but don't want to grind for weeks to have nice things? Do you also want the freedom to build while maintaining the challenge Ark was intended to offer? Try Elyria LiteRP/PVE. We have a cluster server that -is- functional with a Ragnarok map and an Aberration map that are seamlessly linked 50 slot servers. LiteRP means that we enforce "normal" names and tribenames, and do allow for RP, but it isn't required and isn't the server's main focus :)

Most stats like health and melee are untouched to retain the challenge, but Stamina, weight and fortitude are raised to allow a more freeing experience while building or traversing the map.

Hatching, Maturation and Breeding are all boosted significantly to save you and your tribe precious time when taming large creatures. This may feel instant when taming anything below level 75, but for higher level tames it still gives you a challenge without making it feel grindy.

Harvest rates for humans are only x3, but Dino Harvest has been increased to encourage players to actually tame them instead of using good picks or hatchets.

Platform build limits have been removed, PVE tribe wars and alliances are enabled, and all downloads between our servers are enabled and working as intended. (Flyers are not allowed on the Aberration server).

Rules are no cheating/greifing ect, One base per tribe and three outposts per tribe (increased to One Base *region* on Aberration and five main outposts, with no restriction on zipline towers as long as it isn't spammy). No spamming for admin in chat, no whining or complaining, and the last and final rule is you absolutely MUST have fun.

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Brittney Gillespie


Matt Hagerman


Elizabeth Martin

If you want a HIGH boosted try Ark Wonderland. It’s a cluster server

Teddy Fifer

Welcome to The Wolves Den

Server names:
Ragnorak(PvE)- [US] The Wolves Den
Aberration- [US] The Wolves Den Aberration
Map(PvP)- [US] The Wolves Den MapName

Below you will find the rules we abide by in our pack. If you cannot follow this set of rules we have set in place you will be banished from the den as an outcast.

1. This server is run like so, Monday morning-Friday night PVE is active.
Friday night-Monday morning PvP will be active.

2. No generic Tribe or player names. Ex) human, jane, etc. Keep all PvP reserved for PvP weekends on Aberration or PvP on the PvP server.

3. Admins are always present in the server. We are also off limits. You do not raid us, attack us or do anything to us or our belongings. We are here to run the server and help players transition in to the server. We will not help with raids nor give Intel about your target.

4. No giant tribe or player builds without admin approval, they cause the area and server to lag.

5. We allow Bronto's and Diplo's. You are only allowed two(ex: 2 bronto, or 2 diplo or one of each) so if you have a mated pair and mate them, one must die.

6. The Community Center(CC) is a no PVP Zone. Anyone caught PVP in the CC will be banned.

7. The Admins do not Raid, participate in Events or Activities. We will host community activities for prizes but nothing further.

8. PVP Rules.
1) You can wipe everything.
2) You can kill all tames. We don't protect Passive Tames.
3) There is no rule against insiding a Tribe.
4) What you take is yours.
5) Admins aren't to be raided.
6) All buildings are fair game, no structure is off limits. Thatch, wood, stone, adobe, and metal are all fair game.

9. One base per tribe. Anyone caught with more than one base will be structure wiped by an Admin.

10. If you use a taming pen and don't delete it after you use it an admin reserves the right to structure wipe you depending on severity and frequency.

11. Stealing during PvE periods or on the PvP server is against the rules and is considered raiding. You can only steal during PvP weekends or on the PvP server.

12. Admins reserve the right to modify any of these rules, under the condition that the majority of staff agree.

We hope you enjoy your time here with us. Any concerns or issues may be brought up to either the admins, the Facebook group, or the Xbox group an will be handled accordingly.

Interested in helping the Server grow?
Click here.
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Donation info:

Interested in donating? We have several options! We have a Patreon page with monthly donation packages as well as individual donation options through PayPal! Talk to an admin for more info!

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Donations will go right back into the server and fund future months!

Ban appeal info below:

Here at The Wolves Den, we believe in redemption. If you're are banned, you are allowed to be unbanned once. Only after you appeal your ban and the majority of staff agree with your appeal. Note, you could be dino or structure wipe upon return.

This being said, you only get 1 Appeal and 1 Unban. If it is denied, your permanent ban will not be lifted. If you're unbanned, you have achieved redemption and your ban has been reduced to 2 days. But be warned, if you're banned again, you cannot appeal.

Appeal template:
Reason for ban:
Why you think you should be unbanned:

Exceptions to Appeal process:
1) Intentionally attempt to lag the server.
2) Extreme racism, sexism, or hateful speech.
3) Repeative rule breaking.

Maddox Max

PvPvE Aberration map
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Tamara Manson


Chelsea Cooper

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