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Xbox One If you're a tribe that is so good at pvp that hosts/admins keep having to ban or admin...


Blake Perez

If you're a tribe that is so good at pvp that hosts/admins keep having to ban or admin cheat to wipe you, then I want you on our server. Our settings favor defense, so if you think an argy and ten c4 is pro level pvp then have fun somewhere else cause you will be a joke here. If you want serious weekend battles, and an actual challenge at pvp you're welcome to join. You'll have over a week to build up because we won't have structure damage this weekend due to the holiday. The map is Rag. The mode is pvp. Happy arking. Server is a long term server and won't go down when all the 30 rentals start to disappear.


David Hobbs

Josh Grim Pye

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