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PS4 I would like to repeat this post, since I was forced to delete the previous one due to...


Dario Novačić

I would like to repeat this post, since I was forced to delete the previous one due to a troll.

Im searching for tribemembers . Official NA PVP - Ragnarok .

Alpha alliance , relatively big base , around 10 members atm.

I dont allow home server raiding or any unnessesary hostilities. We help people , help each other and are loyal to our allies . Any signs of shadowy acts will result in an instant kick from the tribe .
I am not searching for slaves .
There are a few rules to follow :
What you take from the base , return with 50% more for the tribe
If you put 3 hours in the game, spend 1 hour grinding.
Dont use personal tames , only community.
Every new member will be provided with a flyer , or an egg of his choice to hach.
Good work and communication , fair play and loyalty will be rewarded.
Additional rules will be explained during the interview.
Pic is for attention only.
Thank you !

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