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i wanna know. i am not good, got myself to 1290-ish sr. i know IT IS BAD AS FUDGE. but...


Xavier Sarault

i wanna know. i am not good, got myself to 1290-ish sr. i know IT IS BAD AS FUDGE. but how am i supposed to grind up if no one wants to play and nobody in bronze friggin cares enough to actually play? seriously, i need real advice. i'm trying my best to rank up but im stuck in bronze. if anyone feels like being a nice person and actually give advices instead of just being an ass and tell me i suck lol that would be appreciated

Ellinor Lemon Örnvall

Positioning, target priority, game awareness(like keeping an eye on the killfeed and what ults the enemy might have), aim. All basic things to ranking up. I suggest you go to YouTube. I think there are plenty of videos on these things so that I don't have to write a never ending comment about it :)

Trent Edwards

Mostly all you need to do is perfect your aiming. If you can kill 2-3 people every team fight then you'll climb. As a healer (seriously you shouldnt be healer but if you're a 100% masochist) focus on keeping your tanks alive and try to play the ones that can do damage (lucio/zenyatta/ana)

Yadeafboy Steele

Are you on xbox?

Alex Vincent

Just play a few heroes. The ranking system rewards you if you get "good stats" on one hero. Flex as little as possible. You won't be particularly good at the actual game, but you'll probably rank up.

Sam Piel

You think that's bad?? Try falling from 1300 to 914 in less than a week because people just don't care.

Kylie Pirre

So the easiest characters to climb as are junk, hog, pharah, or tracer. Junk is really good right now, pharah and hog are really hard to kill, and tracer has a ridiculously high ceiling. If you can get most of the kills and have good positioning so you can stay alive you should be golden, so get good at one of those characters. I'm diamond now and climbed my way out of low gold hell w tracer

Jeff Robbins

Just get good at junk rat. play him every game, fuck everyone if they don't want to heal or tank.

Jerry Allen-Foshee

Only play the heroes you're best at. Look up coaching videos for them. I like Stylosa's. His channel is Unit Lost. He has a playlist of coaching vids for various heroes at various Skill Ratings.

Use your mic. You'll run into complete assholes. You'll also run into chill and positive players. Friend them and play with them. Don't go bigger than a four-stack. For some reason, if I'm in a six, we'll go against other six stacks, and they always kick out ass.

Amber Vue

Learn and understand the overwatch game sense, awareness of your team and enemy, survivability, positioning, tracking enemy ults and your teams ults.

If you want to use the comms do it constructively (don't spam out of frustration and complain, etc) if you can't be an asset in comms you don't have to be on Mic. A lot of people don't use the comms effectively. It helps so much when it's clear and concise.

Learn all the maps and names of the areas within each map

Be willing to flex and play a hero from each class, be and stay positive, be calm.

Group up with a team of 6 that are reliable, understand teamwork, etc.

Also check out
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the latest patch notes, weekly tips and tricks, tutorials and tons more on there. I learned so much!

Good luck! You'll get there :)

Chelsea Clementine Baggette

Fudge is really good :/ I don't get what you're saying :(

Francis Lee

Your own personal performance determines how much SR you’ll gain for wins and how much SR you’ll lose for losses, so the only answer is to get good. With time and practice it’ll be a piece of piss to solo carry in bronze even if your team mates are useless, you just need to be better than everyone on the enemy team and frag out. Watch pro’s to learn how to position yourself and engage properly, practice your aim, and just generally play the game loads. Tracer is the best solo carry IMO, you can take out the supports and most DPS heroes in 1 second, you rely on healthpacks and recall so it doesn’t matter if your healers are shit or don’t exist, you have a pulse bomb for combining with other ults or taking down tanks and you can contest points for ages. There is no magical solution other than playing more until you’re better at it.

Bilaal Ijaz

Just play roadhog and if you are even half decent then you can literally kill 4+ people every fight. If you cant get out of bronze then you belong there

Jeremy Fernando

Play zarya and carry as much as u can

Kevin Goossens

If u have a friend around that rank I could play on that acc and duo q with u?

Matthew Johnson

Yea to climb soloing you really gotta carry dude.

Aaron Jay

Carry your team. I was in bronze initially, and i climbed to gold pretty much solo. As great as it is to be flex, at low tiers, you're better of being a master of two. Learn the best way to play those heroes, there are youtube videos out there to teach you what things non-master players don't do. Learn those. For instance: rocket jumping as soldier to maintain/get to high ground/flank. You don't see many people actually rocket jumping as soldier, you watch them ram themselves through choke points that are being hit with a volley of bullets and abilities. As for when I play Zarya, I focus on bubbling my teammates that are under fire and punishing players who over extend. She can also rocket jump (not as efficiently, but she can) and I use that to get over gaps that would otherwise cause me to fall down and have to walk around. Play smart, don't walk into a wall of bullets unless you plan on absorbing them all and backing off. Pick 2 characters, master them and play to their strengths. Of course don't be a troll and "master" symmetra on attack. For instance, I play Zarya and Soldier as my mains, at this point i am able to flex to other heroes that are needed, but most times i don't need to and I pick one of those 2.

Here's an example: You're on kings row and you've secured the point, but your team is stuck in that hallway portion where you have to escort the payload down this street. If you get on the payload and rocket jump up the high walls you get a great vantage point to pick off the enemy back line so that your team, albeit shitty has a better chance of pushing because you're distracting/killing 2 or 3 of the enemy team from the flanking position. Carrying doesn't mean just getting 70 kills per game. It's making the plays that count when your team only knows to keep ramming themselves into a wall of bullets.

Sebastien Roy

Play junkrat lol

Jacob Gifford

If you want to climb solo que you absolutely cannot expect your team to do anything for you. You have to be that asshole who mains only one (maybe 2) heros and nothing else. You have to main either Offense or Tank. There is no question about it. These 2 roles rely the least on your team, whereas defense and support class need a team that is good enough in their roles to have a big impact. If you were group que'ing I'd say main support because there's actually so few "good" supports out there, most people just flex onto it. Anyway here's my story; s2 silver casual, s3 silver, lower sr casual, s4 low bronze I started to realize I suck and I wanted to get good at the game. s4 I spent mostly trying to get better at a lot of heroes and be a flex main to help the team, the end result ; mostly played support for shit dps and tanks, ended in low gold. s6 Enough is enough I loved Tracer, she has an incredibly high skillcap. I insta-locked her every game and I got so much better. She can easily carry nearly any team comp in the right hands. I put 20hrs into only Tracer gameplay and holy shit I started carrying after hr 15 or 16. Everything after that was up and up; Ended in Diamond. s7 placements; Low Diamond again, I'm aiming for Masters this season. Total of 68 hrs of almost nothing but Tracer, I only played other heroes in quickplay, never in competitive. My advice to you is pick a hero Tank or Offense, preferably with a high skill cap. You'll get yelled at for insta-locking and honestly just mute voice chat until plat, nothing anyone says is meaningful until at least plat and often leads to great triggerings. Practice aim with that hero, play competitve with that hero, don't care as much about losses, think about each death and how you could've handled the situation more favorably. If you can play a hero with a large impact in uncoordinated teams very well, you can make it to plat in the space of a season. After plat feel free to branch out more, but you will not climb on support in low level unless you are secretly a grandmaster or top 500, it just doesn't happen. Good luck my friend!

Mohamed Ibedjaoudene

Just work on your mechanical skills. Bronze is reeeeally bad, as soon as you improve a little youll climb in no time

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