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I think my soldier is finally improving. Normally I would have gone Tracer at the last...


Aadil Saqib

I think my soldier is finally improving. Normally I would have gone Tracer at the last second to contest, but this time I managed to win with soldier. I think my decision to stay on the high ground was the key.

Cody Rock

You are doing really good. Good flick to the ground dueling the tracer, waiting to land a few shots before the helix so it kills. After dying going high ground instead of just going to the point to contest.
Realizing you're close to your ult and focusing Dva to generate the last bit, causing her to fly to you. Dropping your healing as she was flying and just cleaning up. Not too often i'm not picking apart the play people post but this is pretty well exacted my dude. Keep it up and you'll be in Masters before long.

Marwan A. Shorman

Good play
Saved the day my bro

Ali Fou'ad

This is like bronze tracking I can track better with a touchpad

Tyler Whitehead

Small nitpicks: I would have waited until DVa was either out of your face or out of her mech before ulting, because you weren't going to be missing her at that range.

Make sure you have a helix rocket during aimbot, as it aims the same way primary fire does.

Lastly, Activating tactical visor reloads your weapon instantly, and your magazine was still mostly full.

But like I said, small nitpicks, good overall performance, keep playing and you'll get even better!

Nicole Jo-Ann Sahl Khajohn

This made me really uncomfortable

Mosa Sadik

that was really bad tracking. you’re not gonna get higher than diamond unless u try to lower down your aim sensitivity and focus on how to track smoothly

Noah Wise

Honestly just work on your tracking with him

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