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I think Junkrat's bombs that made concact with any surface should deal 80 damage...


Kaan Bilge

I think Junkrat's bombs that made concact with any surface should deal 80 damage instead of the full 120. This way it would reward unskilled players less so they'd complain less. Less benefit from spam, full benefit from direct hits. Don't get me wrong, I don't think he's overpowered at all (especially after the Concussion Mine nerf) but he's a pain against low rank players, I can imagine.

I for instance was sick of Roadhog when I was a noob (but he really was op before his hook fix) but now I rarely get hooked, it's easy to dodge.

Junkrat is my 2nd most played hero and I don't think that nerf would hurt me and other serious Junkrat players much but it would definitely make things better for new players.

Chris Bayer

so remove the reason to play junkrat. the whole point is to spam an area with bombs not meet face to fucking face, you use the reflections as misdirection to cause disruption among the enemy team.

Marek Skřivánek

And what do you about removing his passive instead?

Jessica Aldrich

Dude the most valuable part of Junkrat is being able to bounce bombs around corners without having to stand in LOS of stupid shit like bastion and torb turrets. Ya'll want bastion and torb turrets to be buffed?

Zachary Saul

Tbh I loved the roadhog update, gives me a reason to brag about my hook accuracy. But that would also encourage aggressive play from junkrat, since it's easier to land shots at point blank than it is at a distance

Ryan Reynolds

Maybe remove his ability to headshot using the grenades (maybe this only takes effect if they bounce first). But I don't think the damage should be nerfed.

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