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I may aswell just main all the healers, everytime i play dps or tank i never ever get...


Ash Kirigaya

I may aswell just main all the healers, everytime i play dps or tank i never ever get healed. Most healers are so unaware and rather just focus one person instead of turning their mouse slightly to heal others.

Rayhan Benhamed

Depends on the situation. Rein’s low, shielding and tanking as much as he can, can protect me as a healer vs a flanker/dps, that might die anyways because of his low hp pool, won’t be able to protect me : he’ll either be dead or far away from me to protect me. I’d rather heal the tank, gives me alot of ult charge and can eventually protect me then i’m saying this but i don’t ignore the DPS : i just get my priorities target healed first.

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