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Xbox One I hate being a solo tribe, always getting (offline raided) by 30 year old virgins with...

  • Thread starter Giovanni Castillo
  • Start date

Giovanni Castillo

I hate being a solo tribe, always getting (offline raided) by 30 year old virgins with 5000 people in their dam tribe. Even killing my dam dodos. And then they proceed to talk shit .

Michael Hanshaw

Can't get raided offline on my server lol

Larry Hay

That's usually off line raiders r I'm the best at this game until they get offline raided themselves then it's butt hurt city

Larry Hay

Fuck it become the troll just kite Rex's and shit over to their base and enjoy the show

Marianne Husted

Screamsinwoods are looking for new members. It's Pvpve. But most pve. Being the only one in a tribe sucks

Trevor Kelly

if you solo mostly build as small and as hidden as possible, have multiple small bases with as many turrets and plant x ans spikes as you can cram around, don't use gates on base,when you log off replace your doors with walls, try to only use one door, focus on flyers, drops, and make some friends with other tribes. (verbal allies preferred ), use purlovias bury skill to stash resources and bps away from structures (only you and allies will be able to see them underground, and only way they can be killed is by splash damage from explosives), use global chat minimally but pay attention to it and use it to your advantage. hope this helps a lil

edit: place turrets and plant x on catwalks, giant hatch frames, and on ground level. turrets inside base are just as important and usually are more effective

Darren Morrison

There is a new rag server up and running today.
Sick of startin fresh on official and gettin hammered by trolls or bigger tribes just wipeing u for no reason ? Well look no further this is the place to go Brand new Dedicarted Ragnarok server Friendly admins that will help you out as much as they can

Theres not many rules so just stick to the few that are there and ull be fine

1st week PvE to get started, then PvP the weekends with no offline raiding pve the weekdays

5x harvesting with Slightly boosted XP, 8x Taming, 8x Maturation, and boosted Weight 3x xp . We still in discussion bout the stats
if u added in here u will be allowed join when server ready.

events on the weekends winners get prizes

there will be a community area at viking bay a pub a barbers a fighting arena

The admins are friendly and there to help server so do not abuse or you wont last on server we are here to help server no cause problem.

Starter pack is

1 tame per tribe a choice of a land tame or flier e.g

Thylo or tappy or argy
Set of prim flac armour
Prim pick,hatchet,sickle,crossbow
Indy forge

They can grind the rest

Rules are
No offline raiding
Pve first week to let people build
After that its pve monday to thurs friday sat sunday pvp

No killing in community area
No admin abuse
No raiding while events are on
No trolling

So join our Facebook page the join this new great server....

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Looking forward to seeing you all online

To join the server, send a friend request to nwolf22 and join the server through him for the time being.

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