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I bought a workplace PC that I scrapped for parts because using those in my new rig is...


John Dragos

I bought a workplace PC that I scrapped for parts because using those in my new rig is cheaper than buying. Would this be able to adequately cool my cpu? Can’t overclock it

Lee Nee

First off, we need waaaaaaaay more information bro.

Your CPU is most important, but everything else would be nice too so we can keep in mind how hot everything else is going to make your rig.
So post your specs.

Then you need to find out the socket of your current motherboard, and then you need to find out which CPU was in the workstation and verify they are the same socket.

Honestly though man, cpu coolers are ridiculously cheap. You should have just bought one. And I doubt anything else in that workstation but the hard drive(s) will be salvageable.

Robin Wright

If it fits your mobo, you're good to go. If its not overclocked, even the stock intel cooler should be enough. I cant say too much though, i spent the $20 for a coolermaster 212 for my i5 2400 to make me feel better about my several hour game sessions lol

Daniel Goldy

The short answer is no. You cannot use that in your custom desktop computer because it is a passive heatsync meant to be used with a fan shroud and fan. My guess is that heatsync probably came out of an older Dell. Without the shroud and fan to push air cross it, a passive heatsync will let your CPU overheat. The heatsync is not meant to work by itself without the fan and shroud. So, don't ruin your CPU trying to make it work. Trust me on this. I've been building PC and servers for quite some time and I work as a server engineer for a living.

Robin Wright

Didnt even notice it didnt have a fan mount. Lol. Yea, just find a cheap decent cooler. CM Hyper t2's are only $10 on amazon

Lionel Tan

Non k is able to OC but not as good or easy as k series.

The oem mobo might not have the option to OC, u going to need another 1.

As for the cooler, just change to the biggest twin tower cooler, even a cheap 1 from China is good. The stock cooler won't go far. As its a single tower with 2 heatpipe cooler.

Tanner Cox

I used a Hyper T2 in my spare computer (FX6300/Radeon 7870) and it does great with a small overclock to boot. It's literally like $10 bucks

Henry Morrow

Bro you can get a good cpu cooler for like 30$

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