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PC Well they did improve the crucible a bit at least they...


Benjamin Joh Borja

Well they did improve the crucible a bit at least they got that right but yeah if you played 1 then you pretty much already know what bungie plans to do with 2.

Nick Gordon

Better than releasing a new game every year.

Roberto Naldi

Again, IDGAF to what the tubers have to say. I'm enjoying the game, bought the expansion pack, looking forward for a year 2 expansion pass to buy. It's cheap considering the hours of entertainment I get, so screw all the haters.

Mick Hoadley

Yh his opinion means less than fuck all really he’s only played the destiny 2 base game no expanded content and didn’t play destiny 1 so he’s come in played a few hours of an content from the middle of the game and declared it as shit. This is why I hate youtubers he’s jumping on the lets slag bungie off for likes band wagon

Chris Hunt

couldn't make it through more then 3 minutes of this entitled cry baby not getting enough DLC, The DLC's are your subscription fees and if I get a couple strikes weapons and emotes a year for 35 bucks then whats the problem?

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