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Xbox One Hiiiii looking to get more people on the server im playing on its on rag not many...


Kieran Webster

Hiiiii looking to get more people on the server im playing on its on rag not many people play but me two other guys and the admins. Welcoming community pvp rag decent gather taming breeding imprint and maturity can breed two times a day purge day every 30 days once there a decent population to the server and people have built big!!! Which wont be for like a pretty long decent time. Have shops starter kit fishing areas trading post and events on the server admins are a great help if you need them, xxxxtunaxxxx is host gt add and join we also have a facebook page if you would like to join to get straight in contact with me msg RTS Minstrel

Ps fresh server with not. Any people playing get a head start and help advertise to increase server pop starter kit include full metal tools pt and maybe a indi forge n things if i can craft them for you

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