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Hi zen/support main here. I’m not trying to be a dick here but Can The dps/tank mains...


Alex Franzgrote

Hi zen/support main here. I’m not trying to be a dick here but Can The dps/tank mains at my rank (upper gold - mid plat) answer me this. Why do you never and I mean NEVER!!!!! protect your supports? The number of times I’ve said “(enemy hero name) behind support needs help” over the coms and no one did anything blows my mind. I know sometimes you’re flanking the enemy healers yourself or tanking for other team mates and sometimes I can frag out on my own but Jesus help out your supports sometime. I’m not saying you don’t have mechanical skill as you’re hero it’s just so unbelievably frustrating, it’s like if you ever wonder to yourself “why am I still in plat/gold” it’s because you don’t protect your supports. I’m playing the most fragile character that no one else wants to play and I just see a lot of selfish players at my level.

Taylor Pearce Gordon

If your being killed as zen over and over it's called switching sumin 95% of the player base needs to learn it's not hard

Mukul Banga

I also support main - Zenyatta/ Lucio. I can feel your frustration. All the guys want healing.......

Radin Hristov


Amya Allen

I'm a Mercy/Lucio support main, and even I don't completely get the whole "Protect your healer" thing.

I mean yeah, it's not easy for all support heroes to defend themselves, but even if someone is trying to protect you it's not like they always can.

Alice Mochimochi Saito

Gotta become the best at juking and murder. Because they're gonna leave yo ass. Cause they're selfish.

Desolate Nhoj

best peeler hero is dva. from tank, ill pick mcree on dps side if you're talking about anti dive peeler. but there's a lot of situation that its hard to peel like if there's a dva/Winston diving you along with a pharah poking you from above, that's pretty much a high chance of death situation right there. but if just a solo tank diving situation that be ez for dva/mcree to cc or interrupt. also a dva, Winston, genji diving you from the backline that's insta death right there.

Antonio Neto

Zen main here, if there is a genji on you and you are getting counter dived, swap off zen cus you either kill him or he kills you nothing team can do, its raw skill If youre getting fucked by flankers pick up lucio or ana and yea just live

Desolate Nhoj

if you can't really handle dives.. swap to Moira. Her survival ability is very high

Michael Rumbolo

Bystander Effect.

"Someone else will do it."

John Huk

You are the least survivable support, and maybe even character, in the game. Position well, call for help when you need it, and warn them that you will most likely get jumped, if it is happening often

Armando K. Gonzalez

as a i do best to protect team by diving already move with the rest of team to stay safe...also best u swap if u cant handle it once in while on ure own since zen can just sneeze someone dead

Matt Tapp

As Zen your main job should be getting discords on enemies and calling those discords out. If the enemy team is mostly dead by the time you get jumped by flankers then your teammates will have a much easier time peeling back to kill the flanker. Also, take advantage of the fact that discord orb icon can show you the flanker through walls

Harper Blake Rosati

Dude zen can de-mech Dva in 4 seconds... he doesn’t need protecting. Ana and Mercy need protecting. Mercy is borderline defenseless if she’s healing and Ana’s sleep dart cool down makes it hard when she’s being targeted.

Mihnea Gogu

Because its gold

Shaun Richard York

A million times.
“Hey guys/gals there’s a Tracer back here”
Proceeds to fight tracer for 30 seconds.
Tank 30 ft away spams “need healing”
Yeah asshole. I’m busy trying not to die because you can’t turn around and help shoot the fucking tracer.

Rohan Thorat

Its like zen is most op hero in game bt problem is unless ur skilled like jonak ur gonna have hard time woth tracer genji cus they can come an destroy u and leave in a blink rein cant do much lel so id suggest learning moira an gett to atleast dmnd

Rohan Thorat

Ps i am 3300 tracer main and i am adopting to the sbb play style that is staying with team an pressuring enmy genji tracer once they die i procede to enmy backline and kill enmy supp ez wins so far since mercy meta is ded no more bs rezez

शशांक पटेल

You must be severely out of position if you think that

Supports should stay near tanks and dps not the other way around

Because even if a Winston or a Genji or a Tracer jumps you they will try and kill that flank if you are near them

Knowing your position is half the job of a support hero, knowing when to keep pocketing a dps or when to let that kamikaze piece of shit go!

Also you are a Zen, if some flank is trying to crawl up your ass the chance of you killing him is as much as him killing you, it all comes down to skill

And Ana is my second most played hero, so before you say you don't know the struggle of support players

I do, very well

Ryan Stoops

If I'm playing a flanker, I'm not going to be anywhere near you when a fight starts. If I'm a dive tank, guess what, I'll be diving. Do you want a Rein to drop his shield to turn around and help you? Please, do yourself a favor, and learn how to survive. Most supports aren't helpless. Zen has very high dps potential, and can melt someone with 200 HP.

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