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PC Hi me and a couple friends are looking for a big clan to join. We were in one but...


Bo Brady

Hi me and a couple friends are looking for a big clan to join. We were in one but everyone stopped playing .

Darin Ferraro

Dont forget the pinned post, lots of clans and battle tags :)

James Lamar Bardwell

Why not......start one????????

James Lamar Bardwell

I'd be hella interested in starting up a clan. Had a decent sized tight knit clan in D1. Ran til the end. Then I left all that behind for PC lol. Get at me if it sounds like something you'd be interested in

Tim To

Dread Nova Mercenaries Recruiting Active Players! We are all casual Friendly and Helpful players Still new but got some exp raiding and such lets learn together? Check us out

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We Also Have A Discord! Feel Free To Hop In And Chit Chat!

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David Clifton

check our clan.. We do raid almost daily sometimes twice. Only have 35 members but we just started.
Check out our #Destiny2 clan!
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Meaux Vail

[PC][NA]- [Loathe Us] - (recruiting NOW) Competitive Clan | Clan Perks | (Active, Raids, PvP, Discord, etc):

***Comment your BNet and click link and ask for Invite please***

LVL 6 clan. *MUST have discord, MUST be active, MUST be NA server.*

We have 10 spots open right now. MAINLY looking for people for PvP/Trials and Raiding.

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Tariq Barakat

Hey bo Brandy we are small clan but much better than big clans we give every week x3 engrams from raid PVP NF for all clan members and we do Prestiage raid and normal raid every 1 or 2 days we have discord with many players ^^ from destiny 2 or other games ^^ youre welcome to join
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Ruben Mendoza

If you're looking to join a clan we'd be glad to have you :) open membership currently and we have a discord setup. We're growing right now at a steady pace nearing 30 active members and currently level 5
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