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Hi guys, may I ask some questions if you don't mind? xD I've posted here before on the...


Nathaniel Gomez

Hi guys, may I ask some questions if you don't mind? xD
I've posted here before on the build I'm planning to buy, well, I just wanna ask, is it better if I'm the one who will put the parts together, or hire a technician to do it? I'm very well experienced on building the insides of the case but I haven't done it on real working parts. Are the small parts sensitive? I'm afraid that if I touch them wrongly, I'm doomed. xD Am I just overreacting? Please leave some tips xD
Also, is it ok to buy some parts now and just compile them somewhere in the house? I'm afraid that they would be full of dust and get stucked up. I think I'm definitely overreacting and overthinking, correct me if I'm wrong xD
Thanks In Advance!

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